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Namjoon has always been a convincing person.

You think this side of him comes from the field he works in. When you're standing in the middle of Christmas market down your street, he analyzes the problem of buying a real Christmas tree like it's another deal he has to sell to his future business partners, listing you all the pros and cons and transforming them into an excel chart in his head.

He doesn't even know why you're here. One minute you were driving to your sister's house after dropping by grocery store, and the second you told him to pull over and wander with you through the numerous stalls with Christmas decorations.

"Why are you so determined to buy a real Christmas tree?" Namjoon asks astonishingly.

You sigh, sending the seller in front of you an apologetic smile. You've been standing there with Namjoon for a few solid minutes now and you can sense the man's impatience. You shrug simply in response. "Because I've always wanted to have one."

"Yeah, but," Namjoon pauses when you click your tongue in irritation. Now it's his turn to sigh. "We are going to be in that cottage just for one night. We can take our Christmas tree from home with us and decorate it there."

Upon hearing that, you take his wrist and walk a few steps from the seller. That's it, Namjoon thinks, you're going to pull another card now. You've always been persistent when things you want are in the game and Namjoon is terrible at saying no to you. The evidence stands in your living room, an old Chinese vase that doesn't suit the design of the room at all but you insisted on buying it. No matter how much he tries, Namjoon can't help but fall for your pleading eyes every single time, like he did when you pursued him to spontaneously purchase plane tickets for the romantic weekend in Paris across the globe, when you asked him to quit smoking. Or when you stabbed his heart with paper dagger filled with words he will eventually sign because that's what you want from him.

So he won't protest either when you're about to buy a real Christmas tree although there's absolutely no need to do so.

Namjoon knows he's been gone since the moment you attempted to puppy-eye him. Nevertheless, for the sake of hearing you trying to convince him with sweet words and maybe some PG-13 arm brushing, he tongues his cheek in faux annoyance.

"Come on, Namjoon," You elbow him playfully instead. "Don't be like that. We've never had a real Christmas tree before."

And after that holidays, we will never have an occasion to buy another one together again, he wants to tell you. It's ridiculous how both of you still sound so normal and domestic when your marriage is yet to be terminated few days after New Year. Maybe it's just an act you put up for audience.

"Please?" you try once again and yes, there it is. Your hand brushes lightly his biceps.

Namjoon exhales loudly. Then, he points his index finger at the seller. "Give me the biggest one you have here."

And fifteen minutes later, you're driving to Soojin's house with a 5'6 Christmas tree on the roof of Namjoon's crystal black SUV.

It's awfully quiet between you two, mostly because you've been wondering for the past ten minutes how to break the awkward silence and ease the tension. Looking through the window, you try to locate any familiar spot on the streets that could tell you how far from your sister's house you are. When you pass the Japanese restaurant with big koi fish in the logo, you estimate you're up to five minutes from Soojin's.

"Does she know you're not coming for Christmas dinner?"

You're so deep in thought you almost don't register Namjoon's talking to you. "Huh?" you mumble dumbly.

"I asked if you already texted Soojin you won't be on her Christmas dinner."

In the corner of your eye you see the sports equipment shop. Three minutes to go. "No, I didn't. I will explain her everything in person."

Namjoon nods, stopping the car at the red light. You curse in your head. One more minute longer. "Do you think she really won't mind? Knowing your sister she's probably going to be pissed off you're making a fuss in her well-planned schedule." he says, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. Maybe he's impatient too.

Instantly, you chuckle at his words. Namjoon's right. Your sister is a control freak. She doesn't like last minute changes and sudden cancellations. You're more than aware of that. But this time, you know she won't have anything against your sudden outburst.

"Have a little faith in her, would you? It's Christmas." you reply teasingly.

The light changes to orange, then to green.

"I really want to but I can't help but think how she almost beat the shit out of me when we both overslept that one infamous morning and you were one hour late to your branch."

"It was a day after we got from the honeymoon. She hadn't seen me for almost a month back then." you point out, although not to justify her.

Namjoon snorts. "She came to our apartment that morning and gave me a lecture when you were showering,"

"Yeah but-"

"She told me, I'm quoting: 'You had a whole month to yourselves and you decided the morning I was supposed to have a branch with my sister is the best time to bang'."

You're fully laughing now, cheeks red from embarrassment because apparently, Soojin was partially true back then. You did wake up that morning around eight to get ready for the meeting, but you were too distracted by the feeling of Namjoon's morning wood poking you from behind. And when you unintentionally moved your body so your ass rubbed against his stiff shaft, the groan you heard in response and a muscular arm sneaking around your waist and pulling you flush against his chest prohibited you any kind of protest.

Your face goes hot at the memory. And by the slight blush adoring Namjoon's cheeks, you know he's thinking about the same thing as you.

He clears his throat. "So yeah. Your little sister scares me."

The car pulls in the familiar neighborhood of akin terraced houses, the one in which Soojin lives with her boyfriend standing at the end of the street.

"Even though she's younger than me, she's always had in herself to protect me at all costs. She really likes you though, Namjoon. She did from the very beginning. It was just her weird way of keeping things in control." you say and that effectively puts and end to the conversation.

Namjoon's SUV stops in front of the gate and you see him smiling in the corner of your eye. "I know," he breathes out. "Don't be there for too long. We still have a Christmas tree to decorate later."

You don't know why you're beaming like a teenage girl when you slam the door behind yourself and walk to your sister's house.

-it's december (and I still want you) Where stories live. Discover now