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The dinner has gone by smoothly. You felt normal, like nothing ever happened and you start wondering if Namjoon isn't doing all of this just for old times sake. He can't be, another voice in your head is saying, he isn't doing anything extraordinary for him: he's just him, the same guy who proposed to you with plastic ring and quit his beloved addiction so you could agree to marrying him.

You're sitting on a couch right now, your favourite Christmas movie (it's Holiday; your love for Jude Law has never died down since you were a teenager) playing in the background. It was your silly tradition, to watch them every year like those basic couples do. You both know by heart the 'to me you're perfect' scene from Love Actually and it never fails to make you laugh when Namjoon recites the lines so dramatically.

You're sitting so close to him you could feel the warmth radiating from his body, your shoulders brushing with every breath or chuckle he lets out and you find yourself wanting to lean into him more. You wish he wrapped his arm around you, pulled you closer, kissed you on the temple and assured everything would be perfectly fine. But it isn't.

Nicole Kidman has already landed in Los Angeles when you feel Namjoon shifting next you. He takes something out of his pants' pocket, nudging your side in process so you peek at him. You know he wants to say something but doesn't have an idea how to start, you've been with him too long not to recognize the way he wets his lips and rubs his hands on his thighs as the sign of his nervousness. Which makes you jittery as well.

When he finally decides to shoot, Cameron Diaz meets drunk Jude Law for the first time.

"Y/N?" he says to get your attention because he doesn't know you've been more than aware this whole time.


You're breathless and you don't even know why. It's Namjoon, for God's sake, your own husband, who won't be one soon, the voice in your head adds.

"I know we agreed on not giving gifts to each other for Christmas but this isn't actually a gift. I mean... It was a gift once but now it kinda isn't so technically I'm not breaking an agreement," He's rumbling. A sight he's definitely on edge.

Before you could stop yourself, you place your hand on his thigh. It's a gentle manner, an affectionate touch meant to soothe his nerves. He raises his eyebrows at that, staring at your hand absentmindedly tracking patterns on his leg. You withdraw your hand awkwardly.

Your gaze lands on Namjoon's palm. He's clutching something in his fist. With a deep exhale he opens it and then you see it: the charm you lost some time ago and haven't found till now.

It's a simple, cheesy infinity sign, a gift from him to you. He decided to give it to you this when he saw the bracelet on your wrist and ask you what's the story behind it, so you told him. Your parents gifted the piece of jewelry to you on your 18th birthday. Then they, including Soojin, bought you charms to complete it. A clover from your dad, a heart from your mum and a star from your sister. And a few days after you shared this with Namjoon, the infinity sign has found its place on the bracelet.

One day you realised the piece he gave you is missing. You searched through the whole house but you couldn't find it. Ironically, everything seemed to crumble down from the moment you had lost it. And here it lies now, on Namjoon's open palm.

"Cleaning lady found it in my office. It was underneath my desk."

"I don't know what to say," you blurt out.

"It's okay, you don't need to say anything. You can wear it or not, I just wanted you to have it back."

He lays the charm on your palm and for a brief moment you hesitate before asking him, "Can you-?" gesturing to your wrist.

-it's december (and I still want you) Where stories live. Discover now