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"Y/N?" Namjoon calls out, entering the kitchen. You whip your head to look at him and can't help but stare. He's wearing a plain, blue button-up shirt which sleeves are rolled up and revealing his forearms. He must have taken a shower because his honey blond hair still looks a little bit damp at the roots and when he comes closer to you, you feel the unmistakable musk of his cologne. It's still the same one he uses after you bought him it some time ago.


You're dressed in red just like you were three years ago when you first met in that damned ballroom and it's really ironic, he thinks. Your probably last civilised meeting being like this, a celebratory Christmas dinner made by your sister in a holiday cottage away from the town.

Whatever he wanted to ask you dies on his tongue the moment he hears your phone buzzing on the counter, your mum's contact number popping up on the screen.

You exhale loudly. "God have mercy," you mutter, picking up the phone. "Yes, mom?" you say and instantly roll your eyes at the sound of your mother's rambling from the othe side. We'll talk later, you mouth to him, leaving the kitchen.

Namjoon curses under his breath and against every fiber of his being, he takes a few step closer to where you stand in the hallway, staring out of the window, back facing him.

"No, mom, I'm not at Soojin's," you say to the phone. "I'm with Namjoon. We are having a Christmas dinner at your cottage."

You're silent for a moment, listening to whatever your mum is telling you but Namjoon, even in the dim lighting illuminating from the living room could see you're tense.

"On Maldives," you answer. She has probably asked you about his mother, as he supposes. "Mom, I told you to stop asking me this. It's not your decision to make."

You take a deep breath before adding, "It's Christmas. I don't want to talk about this right now, please." He knows what you mean by 'this'. He doesn't want to think about what future is going to bring either.

Your mother can be too much sometimes and he knows it. He's stood up and defended you in front of her more than once. Responded cleverly and calmly to her every question about kids. And when she met him for a coffee to talk about the divorce, he simply said he didn't plan to get you in the way, which probably wasn't the answer she'd wanted to hear.

"Okay," you breathe out, nodding. "Love you. Tell dad I love him too. Bye."

You hung up with a sigh.

Namjoon quickly shuffles to the living room, fishing out his phone and pretending he's been scrolling through it the whole time. When you enter the room, he's eyes look up at you.

"How was it?" he asks matter-of-factly.

"You know how my mother is sometimes," you trail off.

"Yeah," Namjoon nods. ''Too much."

You smile and Namjoon could actually seen in you right now the girl he's fallen in love with three years ago. You glance at the clock hanging on the wall and say, "I think we can begin."

"Do the honors."

-it's december (and I still want you) Where stories live. Discover now