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"Matty i'm hungry ,can i have cewweal?" prying my eyes open to find Olivia standing by my bedroom door, in one hand she had her blanket and the other MR TEDDY.

"Livy what are you doing up so early?" i asked while turning so my back faced her "But Matty i'm hungry" Drawing a deep breath i slowly got up in a sitting position forcefully rubbing my eyes to rid them of sleep." what's the time " i said with a groggy voice. on my right the clock on the alarm read 08:30 a.m i was supposed to be at school 30 minutes ago and so was Livy who was still looking at me with an expected gaze.

Hoisting olivia i jogged down the stair by twos ,rounding the corner of the kitchen i placed liv on the bar stools then quickly rummaged the kitchen. finding what i was looking for i slid the box of coco pops then milk and a spoon over. turning to livy i said "When you're done eating go back upstairs and brush your teeth, wear the outfit hanging from the wardrobe and be fast because we're late".

Olivia's Outfit At the top^^^^^

not really waiting for a reply i was out of there and in my room in seconds changing out of my shorts to a dark pair of washed out jeans ,a black shirt and paired it with my white  Air force 1's. Making my way to the bathroom i brushed my teeth, combed through my hair with my hands trying to make it look decent then sprayed cologne and i was ready.

Getting out of my room to find livy already waiting outside my door, we had been late way too many times not to be surprised to see her already dressed before me with her school bag in hand. Grabbing my own backpack we went down stairs through the front door and down the pavement. we had spent a good 20 minutes getting dressed making us 50 minutes late now. An extra 15 minutes of walking we were entering Olivia's pre-school ,walking past the security guard giving me an unapproving shake of his head.

i continued until we got to her classroom bending down to her level i kissed the top of her head "You have a good day okay" she smiled then continued to hug me before pulling away and said "Bye Matty, pick me up early okay? i don't wanna stay late like the last time." i chuckled in response then stood to my full length as i waved as she entered the class.

Turning to leave I bumped into Principle Brown " Mr Hughes, a word please" preparing to an excuse of how I'm late and can't chat which in all honesty wasn't really an excuse i paused as i saw her raise a brow indicating she wasn't really asking.

i followed behind her none uttering a word until we were in her office. she sat behind her desk as i stood awkwardly by the door not really sure what to do. she seemed to have noticed and told me to take a sit which i gladly did. she cleared her throat as she began "Mr Hughes I've called you in my office because i can't seem to reach the Senior Mr Hughes so you'll have to do" she paused as though daring me to say something.

"The Young Miss has been late to school 3 times this week not to mention the last months and I'm not sure why that is but please  do make sure it doesn't happen again." I only managed a nod before standing up and leaving the school.


By the time I got to school it had already been first break which means I'd already missed three periods, Yaaaay *not the sarcasm* forcing me to catch up on them when I get home *sigh* as if i had that time.

I head for the tuck shop and buy myself a quick lunch then head over to the school soccer field where everyone normally sits during lunch breaks. scanning the area I find Max chilling with a group of girls, he turns around just in time to see me and waves  me over, shaking my head, I walk over to our spot. 

It's on the farthest end of the field where a big tree is. i sit down leaning on its trunk then start chowing on my chicken mayo pie until its finished. i wipe my mouth with the sleeve of my shirt then i relax taking in the sight of the sky, it always had this thing about it that i could never explain. 

Suddenly my view was blocked and as I squint my eyes trying to adjust them, I saw Danny standing in front of me ,already bored with his ass I asked "what do you want?" 

See at some point Danny and I were once neighbors and Best friends. If I wasn't at Mrs Buford house then I was over at Danny's playing cars in the backyard while our fathers had a chat over a beer in the house. Danny's Dad got a promotion and moved from the Neighborhood. We still kept in contact with though until High School and he switched up on me.

what do you want he mimicked turning to his friends with a amused smirk then back at me with a straight face " Don't ask me stupid questions, you know what I want and you better have it by the time school ends or else" he said turning around and walking away not before he sent a sharp kick to my rib.

"shit, that hurt like a bitvh". immediately the bell had rung signaling the end of lunch,  I tried standing without without putting much strain to the rib and walked over to the school building." hey man, Kourtney invited us to her party this weekend are you in? hold up what happened to you ,why do you look like you're having a hard time walking?" Max asked, giving him the driest look " Danny Happened" 

"Damn really? " snapping I replied" yeah and you weren't there , what a friend" he was taken aback by the tone in my voice but I did not care forcing myself to speed up leaving max behind.

The day seemed to drag on and luckily the last bell of the day rung and it was time to go home. I dashed out of the room straight to the already crowded corridors, pushing my way through the swarm of people chatting, some standing and others just making out until I reached the parking lot, spotting Danny leaning against his midnight blue VW Golf GTI 2022 

Ducking behind other cars, I had made it outside the school gates. I caught the first bus heading to town. I got in paying my fee then sat down on the old worn out bus seats. resting my head against the seat I dozed off only waking up when the driver roughly hit the breaks as some people got off, quickly scanning my surrounds I took my bag as well and got off.

As I looked at the building in front of me it reminded me of my hell away from hell away from home which was also hell-ish. The big tacky sign wrote Sid's Eat-In Joint, even from the front of the door the place smelled of greasy food and old cooking oil.

With a sigh I pushed the doors open causing the bell to go off above me. I went over to the back greeting all the people I knew ,grabbing my servers apron and a note pad. I went back out to take orders. These days ,days never end.


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