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I pry my eyes open, catching the first ray of sunshine seeping though the open curtains. Damn forgot to close those last night. Turning my head to the nightstand beside me the alarm read 06:45 a.m.

I slowly rose to a sitting position resting my head against the headboard as I admire the sunrise from a distance.

It seemed to paint the sky with different shades of orange and yellow, somehow fusing into a purple on blue sky acting as it's canvas.

I let the sight melt away my troubles. I kept on looking until the sun was too bright to actually stare at.

Rising from the bed I head for the bathroom in much high spirits, once inside I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face before exiting and heading downstairs.

Doing a quick sweep of the area I find no sight of Dad making this day all the more better. This sure was a great way to start off the weekend.

Rounding the corner of the kitchen I take out two bowls two spoons and Livy's Favorite Cereal of the week Milo (for those of you who don't know what they look like look it up ) pouring the content in the bowl and adding milk I walked back up to wake her up.

I opened the door and found her spread across the bed like a star fish. Letting out a small smile i continued to her side taking a seat at the edge of the bed.

"Livy wake up" I said while shaking, she only pushed my hand away before scooting to the other side of the bed.

I attempted again "I have your favorite cereal with me" she only hummed in response sounding annoyed

Giving up I take the food downstairs, plopping on the sofa as I flicked through the channels. well I guess I have to eat both. No need to waste food.

An hour had passed and still no sight of Liv. I was actually starting to get worried so I decided to head back up and check on her.

Pushing the door of my room open I found her laying there facing the ceiling looking oddly grim.

I hated this, although I had no idea what plagued her innocent mind seeing that lost expression on her face always made me worry.

I'd find her spaced out more and more often now. I thought i was doing

Taking a few steps inside, I called out "hey princess, what's wrong?" I asked positioning myself on the bed next to her.

She looked at me with teary eyes. I miss mommy.

"I know, I miss her too. " was could only manage to say.

"You what, let's go to the park. What do you say? " I asked trying to lighten up the mood. Lord knows we both needed a distraction.

So we got up, changed to more appropriate clothes and headed downstairs to make sandwiches along some fruits and snacks packed them up in a basket and left. Not before locking the front door.

We walked for a good 10 minutes, as we neared the park Olivia was in a much better mood.

As she dragged me towards the gates I couldn't help but smile at the gleem in her eyes as she took in everything from the dogs, kids running around as well as the play area.

The moment we set out our blanket and basket down she was gone.

I laid down on back making myself  comfortable. The sky looked oddly beautiful today. Was it because I did not have to worry about Father or because I did not have to work today or simply because I got to spend my day with my favourite girl.

I'm not sure which one it is but I loved living in this moment. 

As I gazed and gazed at the sky I was slowly drifting off but the sound of Olivia's voice brought me right back.

"Matty matty matty" she yelled as she came running towards me.

"What is it livy"i asked in a panick grabbing her by the shoulder I examined her body to check for any injuries.

"what are you doing matty " she asked with a furrowed brow.

"checking where you got hurt " I said as if it was the most obvious thing.

"But I'm not hurt" was her response.

Letting out a deep breath "then why did you come running calling out to me. "

She let out a small giggle and hid her  face with her hands. "Silly Matty that's because my friend Ben was crying."

"Ooooh Beeeen" I turned to Olivia's side to greet her friend. "Well hello Ben " I said extending my hard for a handshake.

Liv just looked at me as though I had gone mad" Matty what are you doing..... Again? "

" Greeting your friend Ben"

Face-palming herself "you're talking to air Matty, that is Ben right over there. " she said and pointed to a small boy with jet black hair seated on a bench nearby crying into his hands.

I don't want to lie I felt very dumb at the moment but tried to let it slide as though nothing had happened.

Wordlessly I took livy by the hand and went to Ben. I crouched infront of the boy and the boy looked at me.

My analysis of him. He seemed about the same age as Olivia. He will grow up to be a heart breaker. Black hair, blue eyes he was bound to break hearts even as he was crying he looked cute.

"Hi my name is Matthew, Olivia's brother. What's your name? " I asked

The boy looked at me as though judging if i was to be trusted.

"Ben " was the kids reply.

"Well Ben why are you crying? "

He looked at me again as he ceased crying and wiped his snot with the back of his sleeves.

"I can't find my sister"

"what is her name and where last did you see her "

"Dannie and i don't know"

"uhm alright then let's just go around the park I'm sure we'll find her" I said as I took Livy's hand on one hand and the other I took Ben's .

With our basket and blanket packed we went in search of Dannie.

"Dannie" was the sounded the desperate cry of Ben. We had circled the twice and still no sign on her.

It was getting dark outside and the longer we went without finding this Dannie the more we'd have to stay here. It was getting a bit chilly out and I didn't want the kids to catch a cold.

"She's not coming back " a defeated sigh escaped Ben's lips

"I'm sure Dannie is also looking for you, let's just round the park one more time. I'm sure this time we'll find her. " I said trying to cheer him up.

"Okay" came Bens reply.

As we started our walk around the park a voice called out to Ben. Turning around I came face to face with the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on. You know when they say it was love at first sight. Yeah She was it, my love at first sight. Awe struck I couldn't help but take her all in. A damn siren.

I'd been so focused on her that I missed what she'd said, I was brought back to reality when six set of eyes landed on me as if expecting me to say something anything. Smiling awkwardly at the girl Infront of me, I fled the scene gently pulling Olivia with me not stopping until I felt we were at a safe distance.

On our walk home Olivia had gave me a mouth full about manners and all that jazz as she relayed how I froze up in front of Dannie. Gosh it was so embarrassing that even my 6 year old sister had to lecture me on being a 'gwentleman'as she'd call it.

That night as livy was safely tucked in bed with all her stuffed animals there so ensure a good night's sleep. I laid on my bed staring at the plain bored ceiling with my hands carefully tucked under my head,It was her I saw before drifting off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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