Chapter 26) Pharmacy

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Well that didn't work... They all tried pulling the walker up but ended up ripping it's body right in half. All the guts went falling into the well.

Archer, who came back to help get it out the well, glares at Y/N. "Good thing we didn't do anything stupid like shoot it."

She rolls her eyes and goes back over with Maggie who looks like she's about to throw up. "Let's just go." They grab Glenn and saddle up to leave.

After a few minutes of galloping down the fields towards the town, Y/N looks over at Maggie who hasn't spoke since the well.

"You all right?"

Maggie nods, staring forward. "I'm fine."

"I saw the look on your face back at the well."

Glenn pitches in. "Never seen one killed up close before? Guess it's kind of a shock. You know, being out on the road, we've seen a lot. Guess we've gotten a little numb to it."

They arrive at the pharmacy. She sighs. "Guess so." They get off their horses and go inside. For the most part, the aisles are in tact.

Maggie heads toward the back of the store. "I'll go see what antibiotics are left."

Y/N turns to Glenn. "What else is on the list?"

He pauses. "Uh... here, why don't you get started?" He hands her a small piece of paper with a couple things on it.

"What about you?" She asks, taking the list.

"I'm gonna look around, see what's worth grabbing."

Y/N nods and walks over to a different aisle, picking up things off the list.

Maggie grabs some antibiotics and goes back over to where Glenn is searching. "What do you got?" He jumps and shoves something into his bag before picking up a random box off the ground.

"Uh.. just some general stuff." He says turning to her.

Maggie smirks. "Condoms?"

Glenn looks down at the box with wide eyes.

She laughs. "You got a girlfriend I don't know about? Y/N?"

Glenn stands. "What? Uh. No. Me and Y/N aren't together."

Maggie nods. "Well then you're a pretty confident guy. So maybe you wouldn't mind if I just—" She leans in and gently kisses his lips.

Y/N walks around the corner holding the list and a small basket of stuff. "Hey—" She stops in her tracks.

Glenn and Maggie are kissing. Y/N feels tears in her eyes as she turns around and goes to the back of the store. She sits along one of the walls and thinks.

She thought Glenn liked her. Or maybe she was just reading into it wrong. She's shut down Archer a million times thinking she might have a chance with Glenn. She was wrong. She wipes a tear from her face.

What she didn't know, is when she walked away, she missed something very important. Here's what she didn't see:

Glenn immediately pulls away. "Whoa. Maggie, I don't want you taking this the wrong way, but I'm not interested."

Maggie sees something in his eyes as he glances around the store. "Oh my god." She covers her mouth with her hand. "You like Y/N. Oh god. I'm so sorry. I should never have—" She sighs. "Can we just pretend this never happened?" He nods.

"Friends?" She asks.

He smiles. "Friends."

He calls out. "Y/N! You ready?" He hears a small sniff. "Yea."

She walks from the back of the store holding a basket of some supplies. Her eyes look a little red.

"Are you okay?" He asks her, reaching out for her arm.

She pulls away. "Yeah. Must be allergic to one of the meds in here."

She goes outside and hops onto her horse. Glenn glances at Maggie. "Do you think she..."

Maggie sighs. "I think so." Glenn curses. "Shit."

The ride back to the farm is silent. Y/N doesn't look at either Maggie or Glenn as she trots down the dirt roads.

Once back at the farm, Rick and a few others are there to greet the returning trio. Y/N immediately gets off her horse and looks to Rick. "Where's Archer?" He eyes her. "Inside I think."

She nods a thanks, hands him the basket and goes inside the house. Rick looks at Glenn and Maggie. Maggie shakes her head and Glenn sighs. "I fucked up." He says getting off the horse and following Y/N into the house.
"Arch?" Y/N calls throughout the house.

He walks out of the kitchen. "Yeah?"

She walks up to him and pulls him into a kiss, shocking him.

Glenn walks in sees them together.

Y/N pulls away first. Archer eyes her. He glances back and sees Glenn staring at them, eyes full of regret. He realizes that Y/N only kissed him because of Glenn. He gently takes Y/N's hands off his shirt and walks quietly out the kitchen.

Y/N turns around confused. "Arch?" She stops when she sees Glenn. "Oh."

"Can I just—"

She holds up her hand. "Don't."
Glenn leaves the house with a tear in his eye. He walks up to Lori, handing her a bag.

"Mind your own business Glenn."

"You're pregnant."

"You can't tell anybody, okay?"

He rolls his eyes. "Your secret is safe with me."
Later, Lori, Carol, and Y/N are in the kitchen preparing dinner for Hershel and his family.

Hershel sees them and pulls Maggie aside. Y/N turns to see Maggie and her face hardens a bit.

"What's this?" He asks motioning towards the kitchen.

"They're cooking dinner for us all tonight." Maggie says glancing at Y/N who now faces the other direction.

"That's the first I've heard of it." Hershel replies.

"I didn't think it was that big a deal. They want to thank us for helping them." She says.

"We need to be setting clear boundaries with these people. They're getting a little too comfortable."

Maggie sighs. "It's just dinner, dad."

He pauses. "What's going on with you and the girl?"

She pulls Hershel even further from the kitchen. "I messed things up. I didn't know. I didn't think. I don't know how to fix it."

He rubs his head. "Talk to her then. You've always been mature. Tell her you're sorry. I don't know what you did, nor do I want to. Just fix what you did."

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