Part 1: 'Getting hired'

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Y/N/Readers POV:

Todays the day! I finally worked up the courage to apply for that new job that I've been planning to get into for so long! Which, is being the clothing designer for my most favorited model in New York—Susanne Clark. An eye-catching woman with the looks of an angel, but the personality of a devil. Her blonde curls along with such beautiful, light brown-ish eyes; and an hourglass figure. But what really catches my attention is her chest. I don't mean to be a pervert or to even be remotely inappropriate but...I've never seen such a sight! They sit so perfectly on her, like two soft gum balls! Which.. genuinely sounds concerning when I think about it-
But besides that, I can't wait to get the letter in today to see if I got the position!

I stood in the middle of my living room. Having only my attention on the mannequin-- that showed my new design piece that I've been working on for half a month. I mostly got my inspiration from some of Susanne's latest collections—depending on the genre or style it's in. This piece is for her oldest collection called Black Heart. My most favorited from her!
I placed clips on clips on each new piece of fabric; trying to workout the concept that I had pictured in my head. I kept thinking on what would Susanne think on my clothing piece. Would she think it's too much? Too little? It's always been an addiction to just have some approval from her; even if I haven't even met her. However, people who used to work for her have said that she's extremely picky—and wants things done precisely to perfection. Sigh I wonder what it's like to just hear her say how proud she is of my work. How much she loves and is impressed with me.

My praisment kink is showing.

I shook those thoughts out of my head as I heard the sound of the mailman driving away. I scurried over to the front door and opened it quickly. Running fast to my mailbox, almost tripping on my feet. I slammed the mail box opened and didn't even waste a second on opening it. I opened it quickly, kinda surprising myself that I didn't rip the whole envelope. I skimmed thru the white paper; literally praying in my mind that I got accepted.
After a few minutes, my eyes widened. My mouth hanged open while I stared in disbelief.

Was the only thing I could utter out. The shock wave of overjoyed and happiness rushed thru my body as I held the envelope closer to my chest.

"I got the job! Oh thank you god!!"

I yelled out while jumping up and down with a wide smile on my face.

"Keep that ruckus down Y/N, My kids are sleeping!"

I froze from my jumping as I heard my neighbor scream at me thru her opened window—her head sticking out and a slipper in hand. I smiled awkwardly as I looked up at her apologetically.

"Sorry Mrs.Bryant!"

She rolled her eyes and gave me a forgiving smile before finally closing her window. I let out a sigh of relief; looking back at the letter with a proud smile.

Once I came back inside my house and settled down, I couldn't help but keep reading back on the letter over and over.

Congrats fellow Y/N L/N.
You have been accepted into the clothing agency of Ms.Susanne Clark's fashion line. We admire your work and your unique skills, and would appreciate if you come in on Wednesday the 16th, at around 7:00 a.m sharp. Do not come in any later or earlier than 7.
Thank you

I look down at the floor. Closing my eyes with a smile inching on my face.

"I get to meet Susanne Clark!!"

I jumped up on my couch and continued to jump up and down, like a little toddler jumping after they get a piece of candy. However, that happiness didn't last too long once I heard an angry knock at my door.

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