Part 4:''re cute~'

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I groaned as I rubbed my thumb along my tip, feeling as pre started to leak from it continuously. It was only my first day at my job and I'm already getting a hard on! What the actual hell is wrong with me, touching myself like I'm a perverted little kid. And especially by someone so fucking...

"A-ah! God...oh god~"

I moaned as I imagined her—the Susanne Clark, the lady I've been crushing on ever since I was in middle school! The one my mother used to show me when I was a little kid, to which I always got so excited when I see her pop up on the screen; she was practically part of my childhood! And now—I'm touching myself to her like I even had the right, God, even the thought of it makes me feel guilty. I looked down at my hands that were holding my cock in place, staring at my boxers that had a wet patch in the middle of it from the accident I made earlier. Am I really this damn sensitive and out of control even at the sight of Susanne? Of course, I was, I literally came not too long ago before she left at the food station! I gripped harder onto my aching cock and began pumping, feeling shame wash over me more as I imagined Susanne was the one touching me. But I just couldn't stop, I could imagine in my mind her staring at me with those sexy brown eyes and her soft, but firm fingers wrapped around my cock as she whisper's praises in my ear—them all sounding like deadly melodies ringing thru my ears. I squirmed onto the toilet seat as sweat prickled around my eyes; feeling my face begin to heat and so did my insides.

"Oh. Oh- fuck!"

I moaned into my hand as I came into the other, feeling the wet liquid leak down onto my thigh as I panted heavily. I looked down slowly only to be met with such an embarrassing sight; cum was all over my thighs and even running down my legs. And to make matters even worse, cum had splattered onto my shirt! Once my breathing had come down, I placed a hand over my eyes and slouched down in regret. I looked over to the rolls of toilet paper on the right side of the stall. I hesitated for a second before rolling a hand full of it and began cleaning myself. Not like this would work but it might help somewhat. I dabbed myself down with tissues until I practically used the whole roll. After I was done, I shakily got up from the seat while pulling my pants up, getting slightly uncomfortable by the fact I could still feel the wet patch of cum from earlier—I swore it should've been dried by now! I placed my hand onto the lock of the stall before stopping. I was mentally freaking out inside my head on what I should do next. I couldn't possibly just go out there after I had a full-on orgasm to my boss—well kind of my boss, she's more like a tall, attractive, well built, extremely gorgeous, intelligent....

A whole fucking list of what a perfect person would look like! And just—someone I work for! Yes, I'm just an employee, a fashion designer that works for her, nothing else! But thinking back on how I sat in that bathroom for 30 minutes straight...endlessly cumming to her as if I was featured on a damn porno! I blushed frantically and reached both my hands over the stall—gripping tight as I bent down and stared at the ground. Mentally cursing at myself for being such a sensitive pervert and allowing myself to even reach that far to touching myself—especially at my new job, and in a bathroom. Thinking on it sent shivers through me so I forced myself to get up and swing the door open to head out into the main lobby. Not daring to look in any direction as I was too afraid, I would see Susanne Clark.

Midway through walking, I suddenly bumped into someone. My nose hit their back and I started to rub it as it had started to sting and turn red. I looked up to see who I had bumped into and was met with curly blonde hair—the figure turned around and I was soon met with the person I've been trying NOT to see.

"G-good afternoon Ms. Susanne, uh I mean...Ms. Clark! Uhm—miss!"

I squirmed in place as I felt embarrassment run over me like a train! I'm stuttering and making a complete fool out of myself, and to make matters worse—she was smiling at me! She looked down at me, her height causing her to tower over me as she looked at me in amusement.

"Well, where are you coming from y/n?"

She said while raising one of her eyebrows in curiosity. I opened my mouth to speak but couldn't come up with a good explanation, unless I wanted to tell her I had the best orgasm of my life dedicated to her in a fucking bathroom! Her smile soon faded as she now looked more worrisome due to me looking everywhere around the room and not her.

"Y/ something wro-"

"MICHELLE! I-I was talking with Michelle, yea!"

I said, interrupting Susanne as I rubbed the back of my head with a forced smile showing on my face. I squinted my eyes open to see what Susanne had to say, but to my surprise, she had a somewhat glare in her eyes. Her lips were poked out—almost like she was pouting but that soon turned into a scowl. Sweat began to creep onto my face as I looked at her longer; I couldn't tell if she was getting suspicious of me lying or because she KNEW I was lying.

"Why were you talking with Michelle...?"

She said, pouring hatred into saying Michelle's name midway. I looked at her, my face becoming red as I froze on what to say next.

"Uh... well, she was uhm...helping me!"

"With what?"

She said immediately after I finished talking, her question sounding more of a demand because of her tone. I could tell she was getting more and more frustrated. I mentally panicked in my head on what to say next. But before I could think of something—

Attention all clothing designers, please make your way to the clothing room immediately for the next course of the day.

The same robotic voice from earlier said. Many people that were standing in the room, now scattered to what I think was the clothing room. I let out a relief sigh before looking back up to Susanne who was still looking at me, her expression now full of more anger.

"Uh...Susanne—I mean! Ms. Susanne, I have to-"

"I know. Just- run along then. I'll join you in a few."

I studied her face carefully. The anger on her softened and was now replaced with...sadness. I wanted to question why, but the warning bell came on that the 2nd course was about to start.

"A-alright Ms. Susanne..."

I said quietly before speed walking to my destination. Leaving Susanne staring at me still, but instead, a small smile inching on her lips.

She turned on her heels, humming a little tune as she made her way to Michelle's office. Her being the only one left in the lobby, except for the front desk staff. Having her heels clicking away into the silence that echoed with each confident step.

**Fancy/Stylish Milf x Reader**Where stories live. Discover now