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"Are you sure you don't want me to come along?" Pete asked Vegas who was fixing his hair for the past ten minutes, Pete noticed the alpha being nervous and sighs. He walked to Vegas and pulled him around.

"You're going to be fine! You're Vegas Theerapanyakul, the master of the Minor family, our leader...." Pete whispered in a soothing voice which calmed the alpha a little. Suddenly Pete was pulled into a hug which froze the beta.

"Don't say anything..." Alpha said as if he knew what's going on in Pete's mind, Pete wrapped his arm around Vegas' shoulder and rubbed his back. Vegas buried his noise and the familiar faint smell of lavender and peony to calms his nerves.

"Come along with me.." Vegas spoke which made Pete smile and he replied, "Whatever my Alpha desire..."

"I'm not your Alpha..." Vegas said in annoyance as he pulled back and glared at Pete who smirks in response and leans closer to the alpha, "Khun can deny as much as he wants but until I'm here and you don't take a mate... Khun is my alpha...."

Vegas looks at Pete intensely and was about to speak but got interrupted by knock on the door, they both looked towards the door and found Porsche looking at them awkwardly while holding Venice

"He peed...." Porsche said as he brought Venice to Pete. Pete gave Porsche an amusing look and took the baby from him, "I will change Venice and see you down..." Pete told Vegas who nodded and left with Porsche.

                 "I believe I said family dinner, no offence...." Korn spoke as he looked at Pete who smiled brightly while standing next to Vegas, "But I wasn't expecting a guest..."

"Pete is family!" Macau spoke in annoyance but Pete quickly grabbed his arm to calm him, Macau looked at Pete and pouted for being stopped. Vegas walked closer to his uncle and spoke, "Pete is my mate, of course he will be here. I'm sure my uncle heard him last time..."

Korn gave Vegas a stiff smile and looked at Venice instead, "And how's the little one?" Korn walked over Pete who held Venice and gave Pete a side look before taking Venice from him. Venice who was sleeping peacefully, woke up crying as if he felt being separated by Pete.

Korn frowns but then maintains his smile before handing Venice back to Pete. As soon as Pete held the baby, he stopped crying and looked at Venice with teary eyes, "It's okay, Paa is here..." Pete whispered as he cradled Venice.

"Let's have dinner already...." Tankhun interrupted before another drama started.

             Porsche stood behind Pete and Vegas along with Big and Nop. He looked around the table when his eyes landed over Kinn who seemed to be staring at him too, they stared at each other and quickly looked away.

"You all already knew the reason behind today's dinner. I want Kinn and Vegas to attend the event next week.." Korn spoke, everyone looked at the alpha and nodded. Korn gave a satisfied look and continued, "Then Vegas take Porsche as your pair in the event.."

"I think uncle doesn't have to be concerned about it, Pete will be going with me.." Vegas interrupted Korn and spoke angrily. Korn smiles and looks at Pete as he speaks, "Having Omega next to you will create a better impression on people there, omega are delicate, pure beauty and enchanting..."

Meanwhile, Big gave a look to Porsche and whispered, "Khun Korn is blind? From which angle this baboon is delicate?" Nop gave Big threatened look and Big closed his mouth

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