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"Any last words, oldie? I will be generous enough to let you have it..." Gee said as he looked at Korn who was pressing his wound while looking at them with fear. Both Pete and Porsche were satisfied to see fear on Korn's face. It felt like they had finally won the war.

"You will regret..." Before Korn finished the sentence, Gee pressed the trigger, and the bullet launched and hit Korn's other shoulder, "Next... I don't have time.."

"You!" Korn coughed the blood and Gee looked at Pete and Porsche and spoke, "At count 3, I don't have time to deal with him... his face makes me upset.." Gee said as he glared at Korn.

Pete and Porsche nod and they shoot Korn at the same time, they watch Korn stop breathing and Gee bends down to check the pulse.

"What are you doing?" Pete asked in curiosity while he and Porsche watches Gee

Once Gee was sure there was no pulse, he stood up and replied, "Making sure that he's actually dead! Can't take a risk with this sly reptile..."

The Italian bodyguard opened the door and Kinn and Vegas rushed inside. They were frozen when they saw Korn's dead body, Pete was first to notice them and spoke, "I told you, the next time I see him.. he would be dead by my hands.." Pete had no regrets.

Gee grins instead and then looks at Pete, "Happy dealing with you, with this Theerapanyakul and Wan's contract ends"

"Thank you so much Khun.." Pete told Gee who shook his hand and spoke back, "You're an interesting guy! If you ever want to work for us, reach me!"

"Khrub..." Pete spoke respectfully while Vegas looked at Pete with uneasiness. Gee looked satisfied and signaled his man to leave with him. Porsche stares at Kinn who seems to be on the verge of tears and pulls Kinn with him. That left only Vegas and Pete alone in the hall

Pete looks at Vegas with a blank face while Vegas slowly takes a step towards the beta, Pete watches him calmly, and then Vegas pulls him into a kiss. Pete didn't react to the kiss and Vegas pulled away, he looked at Pete with tears and spoke, "Is it too late to ask for forgiveness?"

                           Gee came out of the mansion and then took a look at the Theerapanyakul mansion as he spoke, "Papa, I took the revenge for you...I hope you can rest in peace now.."

He tried to maintain a stoic face but then burst into tears, one of the guards pats his shoulder to calm him when the head bodyguard's phone started ringing. He picked up the call and a smile bloomed on his face and he told his master, "Khun! Miss gave birth to an omega boy! Both Miss and Baby are healthy.."

"Really?! Dad is back... As my son? Anyway! Let's go back quickly! I will name him Eol.." Gee said excitedly while the bodyguards looked at him awkwardly and one of them finally dared to speak, "But khun that is your father's name..."

"Oh... then he's Noeul but it will pronounce as Eol.....now I can scold my dad without sounding unfilial...." Gee said and laughed while guards look at him in disbelief

"Miss won't be happy about it.." one of the guards whispered to the other.

                           "Why didn't you tell me about it?!" Kinn asked Porsche angrily, Porsche sighed and replies, "Would you have trusted me? I would have ended up like Pete!"

He pointed out that left Kinn speechless, he knew that Porsche was right and it hurt more. He pulled Porsche into tight hug and ends up crying, "It's all fucked up! Everything was a lie! I don't even know if my father even cared about me? Was I spawn of his plan too?"

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