I laugh. "Yeah, right!"
"No really, it's true!" Eve insists. We were sitting around the lunch table, and my best friend was trying to convince the eight of us that the forest behind my house was haunted.
"How would you know?" Faith counters.
"Legends, myths, the usual." Daniel chirps in. I give my boyfriend a hard look. He was supposed to stay out of this. If anything, back me up. In response to my glare, he stuffs his burger in his mouth.
Candy adds, "Plus, didn't you know that one of your neighbors reported hearing screaming from in there?"
"She was a crazy woman!" I argue. "Remember, it was big thing, her getting taken to that one crazy place a few blocks away."
"That's where the ghosts come from!" Matt concludes.
"Even if it was real, it isn't even scary." I say.
"Then why don't you spend the night in it?" Fanta responds.
"Fine. But I ain't goin' alone. Not 'cause I'm scared, but because we all know how much trouble I'll get into if I'm alone." I say coolly.
"I'll go," Candy chirps.
"Same," adds Eve.
"I'm game," inserts Daniel. I look at the others. They look despairingly at their trays. I hold back from calling them wimps and instead say, "So, who's gonna at least be the one to officially date us to do it?"
Matt raises his hand and clears his throat. "I Matt Thomas, herby dare you four to stay a whole night in the forest behind Audrey's house. All the way from nine to dawn."
The bell rings right then, and, with a promise to meet at my house at five, we depart to go to classes. I walk with a giddy step, happy to finally have an exciting weekend. Thankfully, my parents are out of town until next Monday. When I get to English, I sit down in the back and smile to myself.

Lost {A Short Story}
Teen Fiction[COMPLETED] Two girls and one boy go out to the forest. Alone. They have to make it from nine at night to dawn. They've been dared to stay a whole night there, and come back acting as if nothing happened. But how can one act as if nothing happened...