5-Hollow Hearts ✅

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Oh my fuck! look who is finally gone through and edited the chapters and is now updating! MEEEEEEEEE! Sorry if this chapter is crappy but yeah. Oh and I changed some of the titles of the chapters and from this point on the chapter name will be a song title(Video to the song will be posted above each chapter) whether the songs go along with the chapter or not. Now onto the story.

"T-that was amazing" I said still in shock.

"Yeah it was. But it isn't right. You're dad wouldn't approve of us" Kellin stated.

"I know" I said sadly "but he doesn't have to know."

"I can't do that to him though. He is one of my best friends" Kellin said sitting on the floor in front of me.

"Can we Just see where this leads, and if it leads to anything serious we can tell him? At least think about it, I really like you Kellin" I said messing with his hands.

"I like you too a lot. I will think about it okay." he said kissing the top of my head then standing up. "we should go before they think something is up" he added.

"yeah we should" I quietly said. Then got up and went back to where the guys where.

"What were ya'll doing?" Jaime asked wiggling his eyebrows at us.

"Nothing" me and Kellin said at the same time. Jaime gave us a look that told us he didn't buy it but dropped the conversation anyways.

"Ray, we need to talk" dad said looking up from his phone too look at me.

"Yeah, sure" I said following him over to the other side of the small backstage area we all still have yet to clear out of.

"What were you and Kellin up to?"

"Dad, like we said nothing. I had joked around with Kellin and he ended up tackling me to floor and tickled me till I gave up" I said being honest with him.. Well mostly honest I did leave out the part of me and Kellin kissing.

"Alright, but please be carful around Kellin he has a reputation of breaking girls hearts. Okay" he said in a caring but almost stern voice.

"I will, okay. We are just friends that's all" I said

"Okay, let's get back to the bus yeah? It's getting late. And we leave in like 45 mins"

"Yeah, sounds good. I'm getting a little tired anyways." I said letting out a yawn.

I woke up to the sound of someone yelling 'Nooooo' from the back lounge area of the bus.

"Shut up! I'm trying to sleep here" I yelled. But to no avail the yelling continued. So since I can't sleep I decided I would go see what all the yelling was about. I kicked the blankets off my legs and carefully climbed down to the floor from my bunk. Once I reached the floor I stretched and yawned as I walked to the back where the guys are.

"Morning sunshine" dad said and kissed the top of my head as I sat down next to him.

"What y'all playing?" I asked curiously. They are playing some sort of card game.

"Go Fish!" Mike grumbled. It doesn't look like he really wants to be stuck playing this.

"Oh, who's idea was this?" I asked stifling a laugh.

"Jaime's" Everyone but Jaime said.


"Ray!!!! you should play with us yeah?" Jaime said getting excited.

"Hey how about y'all stay here and play some games on the xbox while me and Ray go play a card game upfront." Dad said dragging me out of the back lounge and in through the bunk area to the front living area of the bus.

Me and V-Dad continued to just play Go Fish and talk and get to know each other a little better. We really hadn't had that much time to talk and stuff because he's been so busy with tour. But today's sort of an off day. We get to the next venue sometime in the next few hours and then tomorrow is the day of the show.

About halfway through me and dad playing the childish yet addictive game Kellin text me.

K: "Hey, love. Can't wait to see your beautiful face when we get to the venue" i read it making my face turn as licht shade of pink.

R: "I can't wait to see your face either. And I'm not beautiful BABE"

K: "yes you are. Now don't argue with me or I might have to teach you a lesson when we stop."

R: "And what will the lesson be?" I replied curious as to what he will say next.

K: "your lips against mine" he replied making me smile like an idiot.

"What's up with you?" Dad asked

"Nothing....umm can we finish the game later or something?" I asked still looking down at my phone.

"Yeah sure. I'm going to head in the back with the guys." He said going to the back lounge. "oh and we will be stoping at a convenient store in about sometime today so get dressed unless you plan on going out in your pajamas." Dad said pointing to my marvel pjs that I'm wearing.


Hey guys.....sorry if the chapters kinda short it's mainly a filler, I'm having really bad writers block atm. Credit for some of the ideas go to emmy! I don't remember your wattpad name.... You change it a lot sorry :/ but thanks emmy. :) school is out in 3 weeks so I should hopefully update more once school is out!

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