14-Dark Enough✅

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~Rays POV~

I woke up to strong arms wrapped around my waist. The events of last night flooding my mind causing a frown to form on my lips.

"Morning beautiful" Kellin said kissing my forehead.

"I'm not beautiful" I mumbled hoping he couldn't hear me.

"What did you say?" He asked confused.

"I said morning babe" I said smiling and pecking him on the lips.

We laid there looking at one another until someone ripped the bunk curtain open.

"KELLIN GET YOUR FAT ASS UP!" Justin said when he ripped the curtain open.

"Oh, hey Ray" Justin said embarrassed.

"Hi" I said glaring at him.

"I'm just going to go now, Kellin we have sound check at 2. Don't be late." Justin said and closed the curtain.

"What time is it anyways?" He asked.

I grabbed my phone to see I had a few messages from dad.

"It's 11:30" I said to him while I checked my messages from dad.

Daddy: Hey going to pick Danielle up from the airport she's going to spend the last month or so of tour with us

Daddy: You and Kellin need us at the pizza place down the road from the venue at 12. Love you sunshine ❤️. Oh and Danielle said hello. ☺️

Daddy: *meet* fucking autocorrect!

The last message made me laugh.

"Kells my dad said we are going to meet him and Danielle for lunch at the pizza place down the road at 12. We need to get up babe" I said nudging his side he was sitting up on his phone. But I was towards the wall of the bus so it's not easy to get out.

"In a bit, I don't want to move" he said focused on whatever he was doing. Probably some game. He didn't want to move so I took his phone and locked the screen.

"WHYYY!" He screamed like a child! He's obsessed with Candy Crush, it's ridiculous.

"Babe! We need to get up! I have to go back to my bus anyways. I need to change. And as much as I don't want to or like this we can talk about last night, but later after your show or something. But you need to let me up." I said trying to reason with him. And I'm going to have to tell hold sooner or later anyways.

"Fine! And after sound check" he said moving so I can get out of his bunk, taking one of his blankets with me.

"Hey that's mine!" He shouted

"Not anymore" I yelled back running off his bus and onto mine. I quickly locked the bus door behind me which was a good thing because Kellin was now banging on the bus door trying to open it!

"What's all that about?" Tony asked.

"I took Kellin's blanket. And if any of y'all open that door I will not hesitate to make it to were y'all can't have children" I said looking them dead in the eyes. They just nodded and went back to playing there game.

I sat Kellin's blanket on my bunk and grabbed a shirt, skinny jeans as well as my foundation and mascara, I don't like to wear a lot of makeup. And I went into the bathroom to get changed.

When I came out to put bracelets on my arms I saw Kellin sitting on my bunk.

"Who the hell let him in? I clearly stated that he wasn't allowed in" I said pointing at Kellin.

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