13-The Cheap Bouquet✅

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~Kellin's POV~

"Not in here" Vic yelled to me. And she wasn't in the bunks either. I went and checked the bathroom and found it empty. Where could she be?

Wait I gave her a key to Sleepings bus the other day maybe shes there. I quickly told Vic and walked over to my bus. The door was unlocked so she must be in here because we locked the door before we left.

"Babe?" I called out into the bus, but got nothing.

Vic checked the bathroom while I checked the bunk room. I walked into the bunk room, and there she was laying in my bunk crying in her sleep while music blasted through her headphones. I sat down on my bunk and held her in my arms. Vic came in soon after and sat on Nicks bunk which was across from mine. I just sat there trying to get her to calm down, in hopes I could keep her asleep. But to no avail she soon started stirring.

"Hey baby" I said quietly as I saw her eyes flutter open. She looked up at me and I saw tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Shhh, it's okay" I said. And all she did was shake her head in response.

"What's wrong sunshine?" Vic said finally speaking. It startled Ray a little bit, I guess she didn't realize her dad was here.

"N-nothing" she mumbled out.

"Ray I know its nothing. I know whats been going on" Vic said look at her with concern and pain.

"H-How?" she said looking mortified, then turned and looked at me "Did you tell him?" She asked with anger rising in her voice and slowly moving away from me.

"Y-yeah, I'm sorry I was worried. I had a feeling something bad was going to happen." I somehow managed to get out.

"JUST GO!" she yelled at me, this was my bus though.

"t-this i-is my b-b-bus" I stuttered out not wanting another outburst from her.

"I don't care. Just go! I'm staying here tonight" she said laying down again like she was when I first came in.

Vic left and went back to his bus while I stayed behind to get a change of cloths for tomorrow and a pair of pajama pants to sleep in. I grabbed a small bag that I could put my stuff in, I went to the bathroom to grab my toothbrush, toothpaste and deodorant. I went back into the bunk room to cut the light off and grab my bag. Ray was already asleep so I took this as my chance to give her a kiss and tell her goodnight.

"Night baby girl, I love you" I said leaning down and kissing her head.
she ended up stirring a little but never woke.

I cut the light off and as almost out of the bunk room when ray mumbled a "Please Stay".

"Okay... Are you sure?" I said a little hesitant not wanting to upset her again.

"yeah. I'm sorry I yelled at you." she said.

I sent a quick text to Vic telling him that Ray wanted me to stay with her tonight and he responded with telling me if he finds out I did anything with her that he would make it to where I can never have kids. Then I quickly slipped off my shirt and skinny jeans and put on the pajama pants I had put in the bag a few minutes ago. After that I cut the light off and got into the bunk with Ray shutting the curtain once I was in. As soon as I was settled in good she was cuddling into my chest so I wrapped my arms around her pulling her closer to me and kissing the top of her head.

"I love you too" she mumbled causing me to smile and fall into a peaceful sleep.


Update.....I know its early but I'm busy Tuesday and Monday I wont have time to update so I'm updating now. Hope yall enjoy, sorry if its a little short, Its not the 1000+ words I try to do sorry, But it is over 600. XP its 3:30 am ignore my rambling, haha.

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