7-Life As We Know It✅

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Update time again....... XD I swear this book should just become a co-written book because Emmy yet again has helped me with this chapter. If it wasn't for Emmy's help I wouldn't be updating this story. Also Authors note at the end PLEASE READ IT!


But before I could answer I heard the bus door click open to reveal Casey, with my dad and the rest of the band walking up behind her. She looked around at the people standing in front of her. Her eyes wandering around till they landed on Kellin, which didn't fail to make me jealous inside.

"Hi" she said batting her eyelashes, still looking at Kellin. He looked confused as to why she was here, and talking to him.

"Hey" he said back. Casey walked up the steps to the bus and went and stood in front of Kellin, almost pushing me out of the way.

"I'm Casey" She smiled and tilted her head to the side, trying to act innocent. I rolled my eyes and looked away, this is ridiculous.

"I'm Kellin"

"Anyways" Dad said in a rather loud voice getting everyone's attention.

"Casey" he said motioning to Casey before continuing. "is going to come on tour with us for a few weeks, seeing as how Ray hasn't had any girls to talk to and I thought that why not bring her since they seem to hit it off pretty well" He smiled as he recited his idea, that I'm starting to regret.

"Yeah, I'm so excited" Casey exclaimed while smiling and looked around some more.


"Yay" I said mocking her. Which caused a glare from both Casey and my dad. Casey just got done telling my dad how we are going to have a girls night and watch sappy movies and do each other's make up.(OMG IDK WHERE ALL THIS IS COMING FROM BUT KILL ME. And sorry that Ray is acting like a bitch. This will all play out soon.)

"Watch it" dad said still glaring at me.

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes at him. We haven't been here for even 2 hours and she won't stop gawking over kellin, it's getting on my nerves to be honest. And she's pissing my off. I wish my dad would see the looks Casey gives me. She's not as sweet as she makes out to be. But is anyone ever really?

"Don't whatever me young lady! Phone now!" Dad said sternly holding his hand out!

"But daaaad!" I whined.

"Now" he said wish his hand held out an his other hand resting on his hip(sassy Vic! Lol idk but that's what came to mind when I wrote that)

"This is so in fair" I whined handing over my phone. Watching him fiddle with it a little before looking up at me.

"Password?" He asked me.

"What why? This isn't right. Can't you trust me?" I questioned.

"Vic this is getting a little outrageous. Just take her phone. You don't have to go through it" Uncle Mike said.

"I'm going to sleepings bus."

"No you aren't"

"Why?" I asked I just needed some space from dad and I couldn't get that being stuck on the bus with him.

"Because I said no. You can't just do and act as you please" he said sternly. "As long as you live with me you abide by my rules"

(Fucking hell! What have I done! Sorry Vic is being an ass. Idk but yep that's how this turned out!)

"Ok" I mumbled walking to my bunk. I quickly grabbed my blade and walked to the bathroom.

'He doesn't care' 1 cut
'He never did' 2 cuts
'He doesn't love you' 3 cuts
'Pathetic' 4 cuts
'Worthless' 5 cuts

"Ray? I'm sorry" I heard my dad from the other side of the door.

"Go away" I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear.

"Baby girl. Please come out. I'm really sorry" he pleaded

"No!"I yelled at him "I want kellin" I mumbled to myself.

"Fine. I will be right back" dad said

"Wait you heard that?" I questioned.

"Yes. You practically yelled it"

"Oh" I said softly as my dad walked away.

"Ray, open the door" I heard kellin say from the other side of the door.

"I-is it just you?" I questioned. While looking down noticing the mess I made of myself.

"Yes, just please open the door. Vic said you were in there for quite a while." He said with a hint of worry laced throughout his voice.

"H-hold on" I said stammering a little while I tried to clean my self up enough till I could properly bandage the cuts. once I finished cleaning up, I opened the door having Kellin immediately walk in shutting the door behind him.

"Are you okay?" He questioned while I tightly clung to his chest. I didn't bother responding because if I did I would break down into tears.

"I heard what happened. Mike told me" he said soothingly. "Please tell me you didn't...." He said pulling away to look down at me.

"N-no!" I said getting defensive"how?" I said starting to cry.

"I saw them a few days ago. Your jacket sleeve slipped up a little." I couldn't look at him. He wasn't supposed to know. No one was.

"I'm not mad" he said giving me a little reassuring smile.

"O-ok. Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you tell my dad?" I asked confused.

"Because I figured you would talk to me when you were ready. And I didn't need to worry your dad more about you then he already is. He really cares about you Ray"

"It doesn't seem it" I said remembering today's events.

"He does babe. I promise."

"Okay" I sighed

"Let's get out of here yeah?"

"Yeah." I said giving him a smile.

"Love you" he said kissing the top of my head.

"Kellin? What are we exactly?" I questioned him. "It's okay if we are just friends. I just I like you more then a friend and it's hard to just be friends." I said blushing a little.

"Well what do you want us to be?" He asked me.



Hehe! Heres the next chapter! 😝 I know I called y'all my little koalas before but what do y'all want to be called?

Little kolas?
Or give me some ideas.

OKAY! On to the important things. I will not be on much next week I will be at camp, we aren't aloud to have our phones at all, well any electronics tbh. But my youth leader lets is have then in our rooms. So yay! And Emmy is now helping me co-write this. Basically she pics up where I left of on the previous chapters, and writes some an gives me ideas and I write the rest. So yeah. LOVE YALL! Xx

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