33 - Sugar We're Goin Down

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"Hey dad" I said plopping down on the couch next to him.

"Hey princess" he said with a chuckle.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"Watching tv. What's up with you?"

"Nothing." I told him and got up and walked to my bunk.

Dad and mom both decided to let me stay with dad the last few weeks of tour while mom went off to do some modeling thing. Kellin is spending time with his family and his band is working on new music so he's not been around much and we've not talked since we last saw dad a month ago.


"Hey Ray, can we talk?" Dad asked walking into the bunk area.

"Yeah sure" I said sitting up in my bunk making room for dad. Dad got up in my bunk and sat next to me.

"So I was wondering what you think of Danielle" he asked me.

"We argue but she's great dad. And sheaves you happy. Why?" I asked him a little confused.

"It's nothing alright." Dad nervously said.

"Yeah okay whatever you say dad" I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey don't roll your eyes at me" dad said with a chuckle.

"Alright whatever" I told him with the same joking manner he had.

"So dad really what's going on? You can't just randomly ask what I think of mom and then not tell me why." I told him.

"Fine" he said giving up and telling me.


"OMG no way are you serious?" I screamed.

"Yes! Please stop screaming in my ear." He said covering his right ear as that's the side I was sitting on.

"Sorry" I said with a chuckle.

"Hey umm dad can I talk to you?" I asked a little nervous. I am going to ask him what I should do about the whole Kellin situation.

"Of course Ray, what's up?" He asked setting a hand on my knee and looking at me so I know I have his full attention.

"Well, umm. Kellin's been busy recently with working on the new album. And I know that's important, but I've not talked to him since we came and visited you at warped. It hurts what if he forgot about me?" I said as a tear made it's way down my face.

"It's hard to juggle everything. Give him a call or shoot him a text and let him know how you feel. I'm sure he's not purposely meaning to do any of this. Just don't get too wrapped up in all of this and get yourself down about it." He said looking at me with a saddened look on his face.

"Okay thanks dad" I said giving him a hug and walked off to try and call Kellin and if I can't get through I will send him a text


I hope you enjoy. This story is almost over. But I have good news I have a new Kellin Quinn fanfic called Madness. The first chapter is up go give it a read and let me know what you think of it. Love ya. ❤️

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