They Meet

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The boys were sitting on top of one of the many rooftops in New York, eating pizza and taking in the sites of the city as the night life raged on.

"Man, it's been so sloowwww today" Leo groaned as he propped his head on his crossed arms balancing them on the hilt of his sword.

"You can say that again," Mikey agreed as he flopped down.

"Listen, I know it's boring guys but no crime is a good thing! Maybe we should be happy about this." Raph tried his best to lecture them but even he felt bored inside and wished something would happen already.

"You say that but if nothing's happening I could be in my lab working on the latest update of my-" Donnie started to ramble on until he got interrupted by a sudden scream!

"Oh mi gosh! A crime!" Mikey squealed

All the boys veered over the edge of the building toward the direction of the scream and saw a hooded figure running off with a pizza box, leaving behind a middle aged woman sitting on the ground pointing at the figure.

"That jerk stole my pizza! Someone stop them!"

Mikey gasped, "Not only is this a crime but it's a PIZZA crime! We GOTTA stop them!"

"Well, it is just a simple petty crime but-" Raph smirked and looked at his brothers who smirked back ," What kind of heros would we be if we didn't stop a crime when we're right here and able to do something?"

"That's what I'm talking about baby!" Leo yells as he leaps off the roof, creating a portal as they fall that they all go through.

The running figure turned down an alley and just as they were about to turn another corner the portal opened up in front of them and out popped the boys.

"Stop right there, in the name of the pizza law!" Mikey pointed at the hoodie figure.

"Pizza law isn't a thing Mikey." Donnie face palmed.

"Well, then stop right there in the name of the regular law!" Mikey rebutted.

Leo raised an eyebrow at Mikey, "Uh, dude, we're not the police either."

Mikey was about to say something back but the hooded figure spoke , "Wait....You're not with the police?"

There was a pause between everyone.

The hooded figure turned on their heals and booked it down another alley on the right.

"Nice going guys." Raph says as the team begins to chase the thief.

"I didn't see YOU saying anything." Leo retorted.

Raph rolled his eyes, " Whatever, just catch them!"

Mikey threw his Kusari-fundo toward the figure, catching and wrapping around their ankle, making them fall and drop the pizza box.

"Nice one little brother!" Leo cheers as they catch up to the figure sprawled on the ground.

The figure rolls unto their back and starts backing away from the boys, "L-listen, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt that lady, I just bumped into her too hard when I grabbed the pizza! You can have it back though! Take it!"

Raph crouches down in front of the pizza box and raises an eyebrow at the figure, " Why take the pizza though? There's tons of better things to steal that you could get more money for."

The figure raises its knees up and wraps its arms around its stomach, " I didn't want money, I'm just so... hungry. And I can't really go into stores and buy stuff looking like this."

A Ninja's Way of Life (Leo X OC)Where stories live. Discover now