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2013 (later on in the year)
Amelia POV:

I knocked on the door to Messi's house and was greeted by one of my closest friends that I had recently made.
"Antonela!" I hugged her as she smiled and hugged me back.
"Amelia! How are you? Neymar and Leo are already on the game," she said, rolling her eyes.
I laughed, " I'm good, and you?"
"Yeah I'm good, come in."

I came in and took off my shoes by the door.
Today was a bit of a rush. I had football training and was already feeling a bit ill as I'm on my period so I went home and got in pyjamas, completely forgetting that the four of us had arranged to chill here tonight. I changed into some comfy joggers and a jumper that I might've stolen from Ney over the years, however my fluffy socks still stayed on. I am in love with fluffy socks.

Antonella walked towards the kitchen to get snacks and I headed into the living room jumping on Neymar causing Messi to score.
"Ameliaaaaa! You made me lose!" he said slightly annoyed but still hugging me.

"Wow you don't wanna see me? I see how it is," I rolled my eyes jokingly and went to sit next to Leo instead.
"No I'm joking, I'm sorry!"
I ignored him and gave Leo a side hug as he asked small talk questions. I could tell we were pissing Neymar off as I saw him staring at us from the corner of my eye.

Antonella came in with the food so I moved so she could be next to Messi and sat on the beanbag to avoid having to sit on the other sofa with Neymar.

"Linda I was joking come on," He said growing more annoyed to the point I couldn't keep in my laughter anymore and decided to lay next to him.
"Let me play," Messi chucked me the remote as him and Ant talked about something. "You're going down Junior."

"I let you win!" He gave excuses after losing for almost the fourth time now I think.
"Oh of course you did, you're so kind!" I said squeezing his cheek sarcastically. It was getting late, I checked my phone. 22:48.

"What time are you going?" I asked as I put the remote down and laid back on the sofa with my head on his chest.
"Whenever you are, Mess gave me a lift so you're dropping me home," he said smiling cheekily.
"Am I now?"
"Please," he laughed.
"Yeah of course I am. You can drive though, I'm so tired."

My phone pinged. I got it out my pocket to see a message from Antonella which was weird since she was sat less than two feet away from us. Ney gave me a look as he read the notification over my shoulder. He clicked on it to reveal a photo of the two of us laying as we were right then with his arm around me and my head on his chest making me roll my eyes and him smile. "Send that to me."
"I hate you," I said to her as she laughed and Lionel looked at the three of us confused, obviously feeling left out.

"Explain," He said to his girlfriend.
"I sent-"
"I think it's time for us to go, bye Mess bye Ant!" I said grabbing a laughing Neymar's arm and leaving the house so as not to feel anymore awkward. I chucked him the keys but he came to the passenger door anyways to hold it for me before heading to the drivers side.

Still slightly embarrassed, I scrolled through instagram to avoid a conversation.
"You're cute when you're nervous," He said looking at me when his eyes should be on the road.
"I'm not nervous. Focus on the road idiot or we'll die," I said turning the radio on.
He laughed and sang along with the song, tapping the steering wheel to the beat lightly.

We reached my house around half eleven.
"You're not going home?" I said as we both tiredly walked up to my front door.
"You're not awake enough to drive from mine to yours so I'll stay," He said pushing open and holding the door from behind me as I walked inside. "Are you alright? You seem a bit off."
"Cramps," is all I said before walking up the stairs with my arms over my stomach. He followed me closely and I could tell he was panicking, "Er do you need stuff? I can go shops? Chocolate? Heat pads? Medicine?"
I laughed, "No, you'll do, come on."

We reached my room and I changed my joggers for shorts and kept his jumper on before collapsing onto my bed. He took his t-shirt off and kept his joggers on and laid beside me.
"Are you okay, linda?" he asked genuinely as he saw me clutching my stomach.
"Just perfect," I said sarcastically causing him to laugh as I was in the most excruciating pain i've ever experienced in my life. "I don't like you."
"I'm not laughing at your pain melia, just at you," he said trying to hold more in.
"Oh because that makes it better," I said grumpily, turning so I wasn't facing him.
"I'm sorry," he said laughing and hugging me around my waist so we were basically spooning.
I smiled and leant back onto him a bit. "Goodnight Ney."
"Goodnight princesa."

Next day

"Oh my god! You guys are literally goals!" I awoke to a screeching Rafaella and Neymar's arms around me.
"Ugh go away," I groaned as the light glared through my windows and I pulled the blanket over myself.
I heard Neymar stir next to me.
"Olá linda," he said in his morning voice, hugging me tighter.
"Your amazing sister is here at eight. In the morning," I groaned.
He sat up a bit to face her.

"Rafa man go away," he was going red.
"I wouldn't have come if I knew you guys would be in bed with each other-"
"Woah!" I said laughing at how bad that sounded.
Ney was laughing too, "Yeah don't word it like that."
"But it's true you guys were literally sleeping together."
I put the pillow over my head.
"Yeah stop talking hermana," I felt the mattress go up on one side meaning he had left. "Just call me later alright."
"Whatever see ya lovebirds!" I heard Rafa's voice before the door closed.

"Why did you ever decide to give her a key?" Neymar said laughing as he got back under the covers with me.
"Because she's like my sister of course she'll get one!"
"So I'm like your brother?" he asked me.
"Erm no," I said laughing.
"Wow I don't know whether to be offended or extremely relieved."
I shook my head smiling and leant on him.
"No let's get up princesa!"
"No five more minutes," I said not wanting to leave the warmth of my bed. He caved in and we ended up not getting up until around two hours later.

"Are you coming to my game?" Ney asked me as he put on his shoes and I put on my jacket.
"Of course I am," I said as if it were obvious.
He smiled, "Just checking."

Ney drove my car to his training with his phone linked up to radio as he sung along to the songs playing. We both got a notification at the same time from instagram.

I opened it and saw 'Rafa has mentioned you in their story.'
It was a picture of me and Neymar from this morning, captioned Love birds @amelia_marchad0 @neymarjr. His arms were round my waist, with his right hand dangerously close to my arse. My head was on his chest looking up at him. It was a cute photo to be fair but not for everyone to see.

"Rafa strikes again," I say slightly laughing as I hand him the phone. He smiles as we pull into the car park of the Barca stadium for his training. He pulls out his phone and reposts the story onto his own story.
"Ney! All your followers are gonna see that!" I say panicking at what people would think.
"So what?" he said smirking his stupid smirk.
"I hate you."
"Aw love you too."

Just Friends - Neymar JrWhere stories live. Discover now