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I knew I had fucked up. So I sent her a text asking to speak to her about it.
"Hey linda, I'm sorry for how I acted. A lots been on my mind and I want to talk to you about it, preferably before tonight if you're not too busy x"
That's okay right?
I clicked send anyway before I could chicken out and put my phone in my pocket, starting the car.

Amelia POV:

"And then, he had the audacity! the audacity! to shout when have I been rude after moving half way down the sofa away from me!" I was at Messi's house talking to Antonella in the living room as Leo was thankfully upstairs. "I don't want to argue with him but I don't know what to do," I said exasperated and dropping my hands back down to my sides.

She had been listening to me rant for the past fifteen minutes with an intent look on her face and I knew she was listening to my every word.
"He's just annoyed at himself and is taking it out on you. Let him cool off and he'll come crawling back, you watch."

As if on queue, my phone buzzed on the table we were sat by and the contact read 'Junior 🤍'

She looked at it and laughed, "I'm literally God, what did I tell you?"
I laughed despite the situation and read the message.

"It sounds serious," I said passing the phone to her.
"Maybe he's gonna ask you out!" she said excitedly, making me roll my eyes.
"We're friends that's it. What if something is seriously going on for him right now?" I said rereading the message and the tone of it.
"You care for him too much for him just to be a friend," she gave me a pointed look.

I ignored her and clicked call next to his name. She grinned and I walked out the room and into the hallway.
He picked up on the first ring.
"Amelia, I'm sorry. I've got a lot of explaining to do but-"
I laughed, "Just come pick me up, I'm at Leo's with Ant."

"Okay I'll be there in ten minutes. But seriously I want to talk to you about everything, don't just brush it all off," he said, knowing my tendencies to not want to talk about things and let multiple situations slide.

"We can talk when you get here just hurry up I miss your ugly face," I lightened the mood although I knew damn well that this man was far from ugly.
I heard his laugh on the other end of the phone and felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. At least we weren't arguing anymore.

"Alright Linda let me concentrate on the road, I'm only round the corner," he said ready to hang up.
"What's the hottest thing in the world and hangs up?" I said before ending the call as quick as possible laughing at my own joke. He used to do it to me all the fucking time when we were younger and for some reason I had only just remembered it then.

I walked back into the living room smiling.
"I'm guessing it's sorted?" Ant said laughing.
"Well kind of. We're not arguing anymore but he wants to explain it to me, I guess."
"That's good, at least he's making an effort," she said, making me nod my head.
"Yeah he's round the corner, he's gonna be here any minute so I'm gonna grab my stuff. Thanks for letting me rant, I do appreciate you," I said laughing and giving her a hug.
"Anytime, I enjoy getting the deets on the trouble in paradise," she winked, making me roll my eyes jokingly.

I went into the kitchen, where I had left my purse and then headed half way up the stairs.
"I'm going now, bye Leo! Hope your leg feels better!" I shouted up to his room. I heard a muffled answer and walked towards the front door. He had hurt his leg in training the other day, they think he just didn't warm up properly but that he should be okay for next weeks match.

I said goodbye to Ant a second time before closing the door behind me and sitting on their porch steps, waiting for my... friend.

Screeching of wheels caused me to look up from my hands, where I had been playing with the skin around my nail, one of my many bad habits, and saw no other than Neymar Jr sliding into the driveway. Always a show off.

Just Friends - Neymar JrWhere stories live. Discover now