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I was in my local corner shop, literally just trying to get some milk because i wanted cereal, and I walk into one of my childhood friends from Brazil, in Spain. Tell me that is not the weirdest coincidence ever.
"Amelia!" He hugged me.

He was quite buff now and towered over me but that was nothing new. He wore a grey tracksuit with some fairly new looking nikes on.

"How have you been? Why are you here?" I asked.
"I've been good, I'm here for football, new opportunities and that. Might be able to work my way up better over here," he said smiling, "And you, how have you been?"
"Good, good. You remember Neymar, right? Both of us live like ten minutes from here so we've still been hanging out and stuff."

"Of course I remember Neymar! He's doing well for himself, I've watched a few of his games on the TV, it's crazy!"
"I know, I still find it proper weird when people ask for his autograph, like it's Neymar?" I said, laughing.
"I'm happy for him though, I've always been jealous of his skills cos I knew he'd get far," Frisco said, kind of sheepishly.
"Well I've gotta go but give me your number, let's stay in touch."

I returned back to my house with the milk, fifteen minutes later. I grabbed a bowl and made my cereal, eating it whilst sat on the counter.
"You know chairs exist for a reason."
I jumped, almost dropping my food, and faced a laughing Neymar, who was pissing himself, rolling around on the floor and grabbing cupboards to try haul himself back up.

I rolled my eyes, "Don't ever do that again. Why are you here?"
"Wow, I came to take you out tonight. Am I not welcome?"
I laughed, "Not anymore."
"I'm hurt," he mocked, putting his hand on his heart.
"Good," I said, trying to hide my smile.
"Shush, we all know you'd never want to see me hurt," he smirked, walking closer to me, standing between my legs.
"Shut up," I mumbled, trying to finish eating my cereal and not get flustered.

"How was your day princesa?" he asked, ignoring the conversation we just had and moving on.
"It was alright," I said before remembering, "Wait! Guess who I ran into today?" I said excitedly, making him laugh at my behaviour.
"I don't know," he laughed again at my disappointed face when he didn't even try and guess.

"Frisco! Remember him?"
His mood dropped and he looked pissed off, "Nope, who's that?"
"Come on! You have to remember Frisco!"
"The lanky one? Didn't you date him at one point?" He said pulling a face.
"We were like fifteen and yeah, except he's got muscle now so he's not even lanky anymore," I explained.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked bluntly, crossing my arms at his attitude.
"Nothing. I'm gonna go now yeah," he went to turn around. I grabbed his shoulder, pulling him back to standing between my legs.

"Why are you annoyed?" I played with the rings on his fingers to keep him from trying to move away and because I'm a fidget.
"I'm not annoyed, Amelia."
"You so are! Why are you calling me Amelia?"
"That's your name, is it not?" He said rudely.
"Woah fine then, doors over there," I said pointing to the front door and dropping his hand from mine.

"That came our worse than I meant it," he said, double taking his words, making me laugh.
"Mhm, it's fine."
"Stop it, no it's not. I'm sorry," he said grabbing my hand again.
"I feel like whenever you're angry you just run away from me instead of explaining things. We're not twelve anymore, if you have a problem say it," I said, annoyed.

"You dated Frisco," he said after taking a deep breath.
"And? Are you joking? Please tell me you're joking right now," I said, laughing.
"You said he had muscle and wasn't lanky anymore!" he stuttered, trying to get a point across but failing.
"And you slept with half the girls back home and have a literal child Neymar!" I shouted back at him, "There's no way that you're angry at me for dating a guy when I was fifteen, and you know what? Maybe he is better than you, maybe you should be scared. You know why? Because at least that guy has the balls to ask a girl out instead of using them whenever he's horny!" I shouted again, getting up and storming to my room, locking the door behind me.

Just Friends - Neymar JrWhere stories live. Discover now