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"Ameliaaaa!" I heard someone shout my name but just buried my head further into my pillow, wanting to continue my sleep. "Marchado, wake up!"
"Fuck off!" I groaned, pulling the duvet over my head.

I felt the mattress go down beside me and knew he was sitting on the bed. "I'm not getting up J you're crazy."
"J?" he questioned.
"Joaquin is some long ass name to be saying when I first wake up mate," I rolled my eyes, finally turning to face him.

He grinned and raised a brow, "So you've got a nickname for all the mornings we're gonna wake up together?"
"I hate you so much. I did not say that," I laughed and sat up against the headboard a bit more, like how he was sat.

"What's on the agenda today?" he asked me.
"What's with the fancy words?" I asked back, rubbing my temple and causing him to laugh.
"What are you doing today?" he repeated in simpler terms.
"I'd like to have slept for half of it but you ruined that," I pushed his shoulder and he held it, pretending that it hurt.
"But it's a beautiful day!" he joked, holding his hands in the air and I looked at him completely deadpan.

"We should see what Ant and Leo are up to," I suggested, leaning over him to grab my phone that was placed on the bedside table.
I went onto mine and Antonella's chat before clicking FaceTime. I saw how messed up my hair was in the camera and quickly fixed it.
"Why didn't you tell me that I looked like I had just been electrocuted?" I asked him, fully serious.
He laughed, "It weren't that bad considering you just woke up."
"I don't care, you're a snake man. I-"

The ringing stopped as Ant appeared on the screen, laying in bed with Messi on his phone beside her.
"Heyyy!" she waved at the camera and I saw Leo side eye her for shouting so loud, so early.
I laughed, "Hey! What are you guys up to today?"
Her jaw dropped open, "Who the fuck is next to you? Oh my god! Why haven't I been informed of new boyfriends? Are you-"

I burst out laughing, gripping the sides of my stomach as I tried to stop so I could explain. It was useless so I simply panned the camera to Joaquin who just waved.
"You- No! No I mean yes! This is good! Didn't see it coming but like-"

I continued to laugh, even louder this time as Correa gave me a look, "It's not that funny."
"Yes it is," I managed to breathe out between my wheezes.
"Us dating would be that funny? Wow, I'm hurt Amelia," he held his heart and I continued to laugh.

"Ant it's not like that," I finally was able to explain as my laughter came to an end, "He stayed over last night cos everyone else was busy otherwise you guys would've been here too."
"Mhm," she smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.
"Anyways, moving on. What are you doing today? You never answered."

She looked to Messi awkwardly and I sat there confused.
"What?" I asked.
Leo scratched his head, "Neymar was gonna come round."
"Oh," was all I said, my mood instantly dropping. "That's fine, don't worry then!"

"You're still welcome to come round, you know that?" Leo said moving into the frame a bit more, "He's the one who was in the wrong, let him feel awkward," he shrugged.
"I don't know. I wanna talk to him but I know I shouldn't. I just wanna forget about him to be honest," I explained.

He nodded his head, "Nah I get that but I just wanted you to know that it doesn't matter whether he's here or not, we're still friends so it's not like you're not allowed to be here."
"Yeah plus you could just stay with me upstairs, they'll probably just be on the game anyway," Antonella suggested.
I smiled at them both, "I love you guys, I'll let you know if I change my mind. See ya!"

I panned the camera to Correa again, letting him wave as Ant raised a suggestive eyebrow at me and Leo waved back at him just before I ended the call. I slid back down the headboard and put a pillow over my face.

Just Friends - Neymar JrWhere stories live. Discover now