Chapter 1

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^Joann's POV^

Lucifer, although who backstabbed me in the end, had also saved me. He opened my eyes to the world and I know if I had never met him, I wouldn't have had the courage nor the means to travel to the Fallen Empire. I wouldn't have been able to experience the world and would still be that bird stuck in a cage. But even so, I hate him for that. Had he never saved me, I wouldn't be feeling this pain of betrayal and loss. Had he not shown up, I'd still be ignorant on what it means to take away someone's life. I wouldn't have the nightmares of all the blood that now lies on my hands. What's worse is I hate myself for following him. Why was I so stupid never to question the small clues that Lucifer might have had a closer connection to Empress Lilith. My whole life I was taught not to trust those from the Naphal Empire and yet I had thrown my teachings away as soon as I had met Lucifer. I question myself so much, but in the end I know I can't take back what I've done. My naivety and blindness to wanting revenge had caused this and there's no going back to it.

These are the thoughts that have been going through my head for the past few hours I've been awake.

After waking up, I was surprised to find myself in an unfamiliar place and bed with Ace sitting in a chair by my side. Ace had given me the rundown that after I had collapsed, he had thrown me onto his horse and we had quickly made our way back east towards Anámesa forest and then farther south. Ace explained to me how instead of going back to Felidae camp, he had taken us to a village he had heard rumors about in the past. The village was filled with those of all kinds of species and it was known to hold those who had nowhere to go. After his quick run down he had given me some food to eat and water before excusing himself to give me some space to let me have some time to process the situation.

To which has led me here, standing in front of the dresser's mirror, staring at myself with wet hair after taking a shower from the connected bathroom. I honestly have no clue how to move forward at the moment. I feel empty after the betrayal and as if I'm in a dark pit, lost and alone. The man I had grown so close to had used me like a tool and never truly cared about me and my feelings. He just needed me to get rid of the Empress so he can inherit the title of Emperor smoothly. The question I have is why did he want to keep me imprisoned after I had done exactly what he wanted? The way he described forcing me to stay by his side sounded almost obsessive and gave me chills at the memory of how he spoke of it.

Taking a deep breath in, I finally pick up the brush on the dresser and brush my strangely hair out, flinching slightly at the few tangles in my hair. After I finish brushing my hair, I throw it in a ponytail and step out of the room. I should start figuring out where I am at least before I even think of what my next step will be. I think to myself as I look around the area. It appeared I was in a hallway with stairs at the end leading down.

As I walk down the stairs I can hear people talk, one I instantly recognized and another female voice that sounded awfully familiar. At the bottom of the steps it appeared I was in the foyer of the house. I turn to the left to follow the sound of voices and around the corner to find myself in a living room. Ace was sitting in an armchair while two females sat on a red leather couch. Whatever conversation they were having had cut off as soon as I had caught sight of them. Looking at the two girls, I finally realized why I recognized their voices. It was Ivory and Sunny from the night market. Sunny shows me a bright smile and waves to me, while Ivory just nods her head to me in acknowledgement.

"Glad to see you're alive and well kid, this guy over here has been pestering me about your health ever since he brought you here. Lucky for him, whatever happened to you didn't leave you in a vegetative state and I had the equipment to keep you alive. From what I could tell with my magic is that you must have played with demon magic for your body to have forced a shutdown on you. Hasn't anyone told you that holy blood and demon blood repel each other? You're lucky enough that at worst you were in a 6 day long coma. Which reminds me, thanks to you I owe Sunny strawberry shortcake. She bet that you'd be awake by the end of the week." She says and sighs while Sunny cheers. I notice Ace scowl at her before looking back at me with slight worry.

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