Chapter Eleven - Weathervane

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  At this point Wednesday can't even remember why she was taking art lessons from Xavier. Despite that there was clear improvement in her art, it no longer looked as if a middle schooler had done it.

She's noticed Xavier likes to listen to music when he does his art. It's not the kind Wednesday would normally listen to but she doesn't mind. She did inform him the band name is rather ridiculous, seriously, who names a band the neighbourhood?

Normally Wednesday prefers silence, but its clear her and Xavier are opposites in many ways. Regardless, somehow, they work. It's like day and night, a raven and a dove.

It's the first time Wednesdays ever truly felt cared for and fully accepted by anyone other than her family, and well, Enid.

Truth is, she's scared. She's very aware friendship and caring for others is a liability, it creates weakness, and Xavier? He's a weakness, and this stalker clearly knows that.

About midway through their art lesson, her phone dings. 

They both freeze, neither of them need to question who it is. They know.

Wednesday slowly unlocks her phone, images upon images popping up, all sent by the stalker. Again most of them focusing on her and Xavier, but then they transition into more of her and Tyler at the Rave'n.

Xavier's jaw clenches, "so it was a student that was at the Rave'n."

Wednesday nods, the photos of her and Tyler were from her conversation about what he did to Xavier. This means someone had followed her out of the dance, they'd been following her all along.

It truly could be anyone close to her, she could rule out Eugene as he was in the forest when it happened. She just knew it wasn't Enid and it couldn't have been Bianca or Xavier.

That left Ajax, Kent, Yoko, Davina, or literally any of the hundreds of other students.

"This is pointless Xavier." Wednesday says holding her phone so tight she's about to snap it in half.

He shakes his head, "No let's just think okay? We can rule out Ajax too. He was with me and Bianca at the Rave'n".

This was bullshit. Normally Wednesday loved all things dark and twisted but maybe for once she just wanted to have a normal year. She'd finally found friends. She'd found Xavier.

"I'm sorry," Xavier says softly from beside her.

"This isn't your fault Xavier." Wednesday responds standing up. "Let's make a board. I need to track my thoughts."

Xavier let's her work in silence. Only speaking to ask questions.

When they finish an hour later it's a mess of Wednesdays scribbles but she feels level headed again.

"Why are you adding my father to it?" Xavier asks, very unhappily.

"I just have the sense he has more to do with it than we're aware." Wednesday states stabbing a pin through the page with Vincent Thorpes name on it.

Xavier stays silent. He can't argue that his fathers a good man, they both know that.

"Why does Kents name have an X next to it?" He asks after a minute of silence.

Wednesday stares at Xavier as if he's asked the dumbest question she's ever heard. "Because he is quite evidently too stupid to pull something like this off."

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