Broken and Battered

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Hatred. That's what Lilac Moonshine felt inside her heart. That rat Zoey decided to leak the audio to the entire school all because her precious Drewy Bear broke up with her. To be honest Lilac never really cared about Zoey's presence since she was always clinging onto Drew. But ever since Zoey found out that Lia sent the audio to the Music Club, she decided to torment Jake because of it, even going as far as sharing the audio with the whole school.

Now when Jake wandered the halls people glared at him, whispered about him, even threatened him from time to time. She was almost certain that the club noticed because she heard them whispering about it, it made her want to stroll right up to them and give them a piece of her mind.

But she didn't, for Jake's sake. She kept telling herself that if she retaliated then things would get worse, even though what happened was currently on the top of her "Worst Days Ever" list.

She sighed as she continued walking through the hallway, hoping she wouldn't run into the Music Club. But, thankfully luck was on her side and she didn't run into any of the club members, her relief didn't last long though, since she remembered that she sits next to Hailey in English class. Her expression immediately turned sour, oh goody, I sit next to the girl who left Jake in the dust.

She shook her head and stepped into the English classroom. She made her way to her seat, not really looking where she was going, and quietly took a seat at her desk.

She laid her head on her desk and let her dull blue eyes travel around the room. A shuffle next to her caused her to turn her attention to the desk next to her, she saw Hailey place her books on the desk before sitting in her seat.

Hailey's dark eyes widened in concern when she noticed Lilac, the navy haired teenager looked exhausted, both mentally and physically.

"Lilac are you ok? What happened?" Hailey asked, her voice lined with worry.

Lilac let out a yawn, "Does it matter?" She asked tiredly.

Hailey looked taken aback, "Of course it does, you're my friend!"

Lilac had to fight the urge to roll her eyes, "I don't want to talk about it." She replied bluntly.

Hailey narrowed her eyes, "Was it Jake?" She demanded.

Lilac was caught off guard, she took her head off the desk and looked Hailey in the eyes, "What are you talking about."

The teal haired girl clenched her jaw, "Did he do something to you?" She asked, clenching her fists.

Lilac frowned bitterly, "Why would he ever hurt me? I'm his best friend." She challenged, eyeing the shorter girl with a glare.

Hailey scoffed, "You might be his best friend, but one day he'll stab you in the back." She growled.

Lilac's eyebrows furrowed in anger as she gave Hailey a glare, "Don't you dare talk about Jake like that in front of me. He would never hurt me on purpose." She spat before laying head back on her desk.

Hailey shuttered before tapping Lilac on the shoulder, "Lilac listen-"

The navy teenager shook her off, "Just leave me alone would you?!" The taller teen growled, she didn't mean to sound so rude but whatever.

Hailey eyed Lilac sadly before turning back to her desk, taking a few glances at the singer ever so often.

Finally class was over and Lilac didn't have to deal with Hailey anymore. She stalked to her locker and put her books back in it, before she could take a step she heard someone cry out.

"Please just leave me alone!" The voice begged.

Lilac's eyes widened with dread, she knew that voice anywhere. It was Jake! The navy teenager slammed her locker door shut and pelted in the direction of her best friend's cry.

She skidded to a stop, her pupils narrowed at what she saw. She saw two girls and one boy towering over Jake who had several cuts and bruises on his face.

"You're nothing!" The boy teased.

"You'll always be a pathetic freak!" One of the girls said.

"Why do you even bother trying? You always make a mess wherever you go!" The other girl jeered as Jake covered his face with his hands.

Lilac clenched her jaw before bolting towards them to stand between them and Jake.

The boy's eyes widened in shock, "Lilac?" He gasped.

Lilac bared her teeth and smacked him across the face, "Scram or it will be worse next time." She threatened.

The three knew better than to mess with Lilac and scampered away.

Lilac's rage filled glare turned into worry as she turned around and knelt down in front of Jake. The peach haired boy removed his hands from his face and looked up at his best friend.

The navy teen's heart broke at seeing Jake's panicked expression. She had never seen Jake look so scared before, and it was all because Zoey and Tyler decided to send that audio to the whole school.

Lilac glared at the air as she helped Jake to his feet, the blond immediately wrapped his arms around her and began crying softly.

Lilac whispered sweet nothings to him, "You don't deserve this Jake." She whispered.

"Yes I do! I talked behind their backs!" Jake muttered.

Lilac sighed, "I know you didn't mean to, you felt so much pressure by both the jomies and the club that you snapped."

Jake slowly lifted his head, "You won't leave me right Lilac?"

Lilac smiled softly, "No, never. Now let's get you to the nurse."

Jake nodded and Lilac protectively wrapped her arm around his shoulders as they walked to the nurse's office.

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