All For You

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Lilac strutted through the halls with a smirk on her face. Her post had gone viral and she had revived hundreds of comments, most of them included angry or disgusted comments about Zoey, which filled Lilac to the brim with joy.

She looked over to her left to see Lia calling to her, "Lilac we need to talk to you about something." She called across the hallway.

Lilac paced over to them, a smirk still plastered on her face, "What's up?" She asked.

"We saw your post last night." Lia explained.

Lilac giggled to herself, "Oh you mean that? It's not a big deal."

Lia exchanged glances with Drew, Henry, and Liam, "We didn't think you of all people would expose Zoey to the school." Liam said, shuffling his feet.

Lilac shrugged, "It was karma for what she did to Jake, I wasn't going to let her get away with it."

Drew was about to reply but was interrupted by the speaker, "Lilac Moonshine and Zoey Watson please come to the principle's office".

Lilac grinned smugly, "I better get going, see you guys later." She waved at her friends before walking away.


The principle had Lilac and Zoey sit in the chairs that were in front of the desk. The principle's amber gaze swept over the two girls.

"Do you know why I called you both here?" He asked.

Lilac nodded while Zoey scowled and crossed her arms.

The principle turned his attention to Lilac, "Lilac, do you mind telling me why you made that post?" He asked.

Zoey glared at Lilac while the navy haired teen rolled her eyes and smirked, "She recorded Jake without his consent and sent the audio to the whole school." She side glared Zoey before continuing, "She also threatened Henry and Liam, among multiple people."

The principle tapped his chin and nodded before turning his attention to Zoey, "Zoey, do you have anything to say for yourself."

The blonde girl's green eyes widened as she looked around nervously, "Well- you see-" She giggled nervously, "I- uh-"

Lilac smirked, she knew that any excuse Zoey would make the principle will see right through her, this is what you deserve Zoey.

The principle cleared his throat, "Zoey I'm calling your parents, and Lilac I'm calling your oldest brother and sister."

Lilac's siblings, yes I did redesign them.

Name: NoraRelationship: Big Sister

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Name: Nora
Relationship: Big Sister

Name: NoraRelationship: Big Sister

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