Nothing Left To Lose

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"They didn't even say anything after that to try to get me to change my mind." Lilac said, finishing up her story to Holly and Misty.

Holly blinked, "I'm honestly surprised that they didn't say anything. " She confessed, dumbfounded.

Lilac nodded and shrugged, "I guess my points came off as that strong, it was the only way that they would stop yelling at him and telling him that he didn't belong."

Holly and Misty exchanged shocked glances, Misty's gaze hardened with anger, "Jake might've bad mouthed them, but it doesn't give them the right to say stuff like that."

Lilac and Holly agreed with a nod, "I think it's a good thing that Lilac told them the truth, I don't think they would've realized if she didn't." The black haired girl pointed out.

Lilac narrowed her eyes, if they were real friends we wouldn't need to tell them. She thought bitterly.

She didn't care that the club didn't say anything to beg her to stay, all she cared about was telling them what they did wrong and hoping that they would realize it.

"They were asking for it." Lilac said as she glared at the lockers.

Misty looked at Lilac and frowned, suddenly remembering how happy Lilac was with the club.

"Maybe you should try to talk to them." Misty suggested nervously.

Lilac stopped in her tracks, her stunned gaze traveling to her sea blue haired friend, "I already talked to them."

Misty shook her head, "I mean without yelling at them."

Lilac crossed her arms and scoffed, "Yelling was the only way they would listen, talking to them didn't work."

Misty sighed, "But weren't you happy with them?"

Lilac narrowed her eyes, "I was before I found out what they really needed me for."

Misty said and turned her head away, "Jake was happy to." She muttered.

The navy haired teenager shook her head and continued walking as her friends trailed after her.

Lilac had walked past Luke and Zander who were hanging out by the lockers. They had tried to get her attention by calling her name, but the navy haired teen ignored them.

The girl paced down the corridor unsure of where her feet were taking her. She decided to head into the storage room to let herself think.

She wove between the boxes and shelves and shoved her way to the back of the room.

Talk to the club without yelling at them? Yeah right. They're was no way they would listen to her if she just tried to have a normal conversation with them.

Why should she show them mercy after what they did? It's not like they deserve it.

Wither and decay
End this destiny
Break these earthly chains
And set the spirit free

Take what has been hurt (ah, ah, ah, ah)
Grant them no mercy (ah, ah, ah, ah)
Bend and break the reigns
And set the spirit free
The spirit free

After clearing her head Lilac found that she had subconsciously walked towards the music room. For whatever reason she found herself opening the door and stepping inside, she walked in the center of the room and looked around.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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