How It Feels To Be Lost

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Lilac wandered through the halls alone, the nurse had told Jake to go home. The peach blond had agreed and had gone home for the day, leaving Lilac by herself, well technically she had the jomies, but that doesn't count!

"Hey Lilac!" The navy haired teen's sulking was cut off by Henry.

Her eyes widened as she spun around on her heel, Henry skidded to a stop in front of her, breathing heavily.

Lilac raised an eyebrow, "Is something wrong?"

Henry's breathing became steady again as he looked up at the taller girl, "it's Drew, he's not doing so hot after him and Zoey broke up. We were trying to find Jake but he's not here."

Lilac narrowed her eyes in thought, Drew might have been part of the recording but he was still her friend.

"Take me to him." She demanded.

Henry motioned with his arm for Lilac to follow him, then the two teens both trotted away.

Henry brought Lilac to a spare classroom, she saw Liam pacing in front of the door while muttering to himself.

His expression brightened when he saw Lilac, "Lilac-" He was cut off by Lilac putting a finger to her lips, shushing him.

The navy haired teenager paced towards the closed door and pressed her ear against it. She heard the sound of faint sobbing which surprised the girl since she's never seen Drew cry.

Lilac turned her attention to Henry and Liam, "You two stay here while I talk to him." The boys nodded in response.

Lilac exhaled before slowly turning knob, opening the door and walking inside. Her sapphire eyes widened in shock, in front of her was Drew curled up into a ball on the floor crying.

Lilac kneeled down next to him and gently ruffled his hair, "Drew?" She whispered.

The magenta haired teen almost immediately stopped crying. He slowly lifted his head to meet Lilac's eyes, his face was stained with tears and his eyes were empty.

Lilac's eyes widened with worry as her frown deepened, "Drew, I want to help you. Trust me."

After a bit a silence, Drew wrapped his arms around the navy haired girl and sobbed in her shoulder.

After five minutes of crying, Drew ran out of tears and he let go of his navy haired friend.

"Wha did I do wrong?" He asked, his voice breaking.

Lilac's gaze softened, "You didn't do anything wrong." She narrowed her eyes, "Zoey doesn't deserve you, you're better off without her." She wiped the remaining tears from Drew's eyes as he smiled sadly.

"Thanks Lilac, for everything." Lilac smiled at him as she helped him to his feet.


It was free period and Lilac was wandering the halls. She was overjoyed that Drew finally got away from that gold digger, in her point of view Zoey was turning Drew away from bettering himself.

She smiled to herself as she turned the corner. Her smile immediately faded when she noticed Zander and Luke walking towards her.

She forced a smile as they got closer, the two boys stopped in front of her.

"Hi Lilac." Luke greeted in a friendly tone.

Zander looked from side to side, "Strange to see that there's no one with you." The purple haired teen clenched his fists, "I was sure Jake would come crying to you after realizing his plan failed." He said, rolling his eyes.

It took all of Lilac's self control to not lash out at him, "I haven't seen him." She lied, clenching her teeth in an attempt to keep her smile.

Luke narrowed his eyes, "Probably afraid of taking responsibility for his actions." The brunette pointed out.

Lilac turned her attention away from the two boys to glare at them out of the corner of her eye, he took responsibility for his actions, but it seems like none of you did.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me about how Jake let you all down?" She spat out, crossing her arms.

Zander and Luke exchanged glances before looking back at Lilac.

Zander furrowed his brows, "Why are you acting like this is just a waste of your time?

Lilac scoffed, "I'm not in the mood to listen to your petty problems." She shoved them lightly as she walked away. She stopped in her tracks and turned around, fury written on her face, "Also, good luck with finding someone else to sing for you in the competition, because I quit!" She snarled.

Luke's eyes grew wide while Zander scowled, "You can't just quit." He protested.

"Watch me." Lilac growled before she turned and walked away, leaving behind a dumbfounded Zander and Luke.


Lilac fell onto her bed, she had finally gotten through the day and didn't need to worry about running into the Music Club until tomorrow.

It made her angry that the club acted like everything was fine while Jake was getting mistreated by most of the school. It seemed like they didn't care for how much pain Jake was in right now, the club didn't have to be scared of everyone turning on them over a single mistake.

If the Music Club and jomies stopped treating me and Jake like objects then none of this would've happened.

She didn't care if most of the school was on the club's side, they didn't know what Jake had to go through or what they made him go through. They don't understand. We needed them, but they threw us away.

Even though she had tried so hard to tell herself that she didn't care, it still hurt. The memory of the pain they caused her and Jake didn't fade, she knew they wouldn't care if the whole school was against Jake, today proved that. He had helped every single one of them, yet they didn't bother to help Jake when he needed them most.

Lilac clenched her fists, if they won't do anything about it than I will.

A wicked smirk tugged at her lips, she will make Zoey pay for what she's done to Jake and she knew just how to do it.

She opened Gachagram and created a new post:

Wolf in Sheep's clothing, Zoey is to blame she is nothing but a bully, don't believe a word she says.

She then attached a few photos of Zoey with her sugar daddy and a few of her threatening people including Henry and Liam. For her final blow she also showed evidence of Zoey sharing the audio without Jake's consent. Before she pressed post she added on more sentence, P.S leave Jake alone or you will have to deal with me.

Content with her post she placed her phone on her nightstand. She wasn't going down without a fight and with this post she will make sure Jake didn't either.

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