Enough Is Enough

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The two best friends made their way to the music room. Jake was about to open the door before Lilac put her hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Jake are you sure about this? You know what happened last time."

Jake smiled sadly,"This might be my only chance to talk with all of them, please Lilac."

The navy teen groaned, "Fine, let's get this over with."

Jake thanked her before opening the door, Lilac entered first to make sure nothing happened.

"Hey guys." Jake said quietly.

The club's gaze hardened with anger, except for Sean.

"What are you doing here?" Milly demanded, cracking her knuckles.

Jake looked at the floor, "I need to talk with you guys." He explained, looking up.

Zander scoffed and crossed his arms, "Haven't you said enough." His eyes widened when he noticed Lilac, then his expression changed to suspicion, "Lilac? What are you doing here?" He demanded.

Lilac shrugged, refusing to say anything, you should know why I'm here.

Jake sighed, "I just want to explain-"

"What is there to explain?!" Zander yelled in his face, causing the blond to flinch.

Jake's eyes shrunk in fear, "Zander please I-" He was cut off by Zander.

"You talked behind our backs! Why don't you just run along to your jerk friends and leave us alone!" Zander snapped, backing Jake against the wall.

Lilac shot him a warning glare that seemed to read, "Take one more step and I'll tear you seam from seam".

Zander took a few steps back while he kept his glare on Jake.

"We don't want to hear anything from you." Hailey said as she walked to stand next to her step brother.

Jake's eyes darted around the room in desperation, "Guys, I swear I didn't mean a word I said, please listen to me!" He pleaded

Zander gritted his teeth, "Will you just shut up already?! We don't want anymore of your pathetic excuses!" The purple haired teen snapped.

The entire club surrounded Jake, glaring at him while Jake shrunk under their glares, fear sparkling in his hazel eyes.

"We never should've let you join our club in the first place!" Milly growled, her eyes blazing like fire.

"You don't belong here Jake." Luke said, his honey colored eyes glaring through Jake's soul.

"You let us down." Sean muttered, giving Jake a disappointed look.

"You always mess things up, that's your real talent!" Hailey hissed.

Zander took a step forward, "The only freak around here is you." He spat, pointing at Jake who was trying to hold back tears.

Lilac stood frozen to the ground, she wanted to jump in and do something her feet wouldn't let her, so she was forced to watch.

Jake bowed his head, not wanting the club to see his tears. But as the words from the club continued he just couldn't take it anymore, he fell to the floor as tears flowed freely from his hazel eyes, turning into choked sobs.

The club were slightly taken aback by Jake's sudden breakdown, however Zander seemed unscathed.

"Oh so you're going to cry now? You really are pathetic." Zander scoffed rolling his eyes.

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