Chapter 2: First Day and Memories

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How's it going-?

I probably haven't said anything yet, but the first two chapters do take place a couple weeks before MK finds the staff.

Just pointing it out there, if anyone gets confused-

Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading!


(Third POV)

The sounds of an alarm rang through a small Japanese styled bedroom, a small groan followed along the alarm as (Y/N) reaches her arm out of her small futon, snoozing the alarm on her phone, connected to a small charger hooked to the wall.

She let out a small sigh of relief at the lovely sound of silence, her arm drooping back down onto her futon.

She lied there for a moment until she slowly sits up, her yellow and red hair disheveled and messy. Her pajama shirt slightly lopsided, as she softly smacked her lips, small eyebags under her eyes.

(Y/N) let out a soft yawn, lifting arms and stretching them over her head, her back letting out a few satisfying pops and cracks.

She then ran a hand through her unkempt hair, trying to straighten out her locks, untangling a few tangles. Taking her other hand and rubbing the sleep out of her (E/C) and dark red eyes as she grabbing the thick blanket, removing it off of her and slowly standing up from the comfort of her futon.

She grabbed her phone, removing the charger, checking the time.

It was only 7:30.

She had enough time to get ready and leave for her first day on the job at her new job, Pigsy's Noodles.

She wondered, maybe if she got ready in time, she could have enough time to stop by her favorite café to grab something to drink.

She quickly opened her drawers, grabbing a white button up shirt, a pair of socks, and a pair of jean shorts, closing her drawers and leaving her bedroom to a small clean bathroom across from her bedroom.

Just like her bedroom, the rest of her apartment was slightly Japanese themed, yet still had that current time aesthetic.

On the wall of her living room rested a framed photo of a slightly large group of people, smiling happily in the photo. Under the photo, was what seemed to be a sheathed katana resting on two small black hinges in the wall.

(Y/N) wanted to have a certain Japanese aesthetic to help her feel more homey in a new country, whose own décor designs were a bit more different than her own countries interior design.

She quickly changed out of her pajamas into her clothes, brushing out her unkempt hair, putting her hair in her usual design.

She then washed her face and brushed her teeth, grabbing her pajamas and placing them in her dirty clothes basket.

Seeing that it was growing full, she made a mental note to do her laundry after her first day of work.

She excited the bathroom, her usual enthusiastic smile on her face as she entered her kitchen, looking at the clock to see she had enough time to make herself some breakfast.

She decided to have something more simple and quick to make, cereal.

She opened one of her dish cabinets, reaching and grabbing a bowl, setting it on her counter before closing her cupboard.

She walked to her pantry, opening it and grabbing a box of her favorite cereal before walking to the fridge, opening it to grab a carton of milk.

She then walked back to her bowl, pouring in the cereal before pouring in some milk, putting them back in there respectful places in the fridge and pantry.

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