Chapter 6: Defeat of DBK

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Wow, it's been a bit since I've last written. But I am now able to start writing again since I now have my laptop I was promised for my graduation gift! Which I am very excited for by the way.

I am also a little bit rusty when it comes to writing again after a long while, so please don't come after my booty.

Either way, I hope you enjoy reading!


(Third POV)

Smoke, fire, screams, and destruction.

Those were the only things that you could see in the city of Megapolis. No matter where you went, there was destruction, injured citizens, and smoke. The sky was dark, filled with the ashes of burning buildings or vehicles. Chunks of the city vaporized like it was nothing.

A loud roar echoed through the city as purple and green lasers shot out of the canon's of the Demon Bull King's armor, bull clones littering the streets to destroy or kill anything that plans to get in the way of DBK and his path of rule.

As more bull clones set out in the vaporized remains of a section of the city, a loud engine echoes through the crevice, catching the clones attention, not expecting there to be anyone alive where they stood.

Pigsy's food truck zooms through the large ditch, leaving behind thick clouds of dust and ash. The front of the truck was armored with spikes as they ran over the clones in their way. Pigsy, Sandy, Mei, Tang, and even Mo screamed in a panic and fear as Pigsy drove the truck, all crying anime tears.

Blocking their path was a giant vehicle, being controlled by another bull clone who targeted the truck and shot out iron barrels from the vehicle, which came hurdling down their path.

"Oh no! Their secret weapon; barrels!" Tang yells out in a panic as Pigsy tried his best to dodge the large iron barrels.

At the last one, he swerved the truck a bit too harshly, causing the tires to screech loudly as it topples over onto its side. Luckily, they were all able to jump out before they could get injured, looking so cool thanks to a dramatic explosion going off behind them. The bull clone controlling the vehicle panics as it sees they were falling right towards it, which it tries to get away but fails due to Pigsy landing on its head before it could.

All four of the gang's eyes glint angrily, due to the supposed death of their friends taking a toll on them still.

Suddenly, a whirl of fire erupts before them a few feet away, revealing the Demon Bull King's son, Redson, standing before them with an evil smirk on the demons face.

" want to be heroes, huh?" Redson speaks with a hint of malice in his tone, standing up to his full height to reveal the gauntlet that his mother, Iron Fan, had used previously to steal the Monkey King's staff from MK.

You could see the slash mark from (Y/N)'s sword on the side of it as well.

"Let me show you what happens to heroes!" Redson speaks as fire erupts from his red hair and his eyes, making him look more malicious.

Pigsy growled angrily and in annoyance, clenching his hands into fists, "I've had it up to here with these demon pu-" He speaks as he stomps towards the fire demon, but Mei's hand blocks him from going any further.

They looked to see a shadow over Mei's face, her voice low and sinister.

"I'll handle this one..." She speaks as she steps forward, her stance stiff with anger and hatred.

A green aura surrounds the girl, her green eyes glowing brightly with hatred and pure anger as a large green dragon forms behind and above her, making her presence look more intimidating.

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