Where are we?

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last time on the isle of survival our heroes have fallen to the hands of Leon, they lost the battle and where send to another world of unknown origins, all of them were send through the portal, vanoss was the last one to be send through and was still falling inside the void.


vanoss didn't know what todo all he could do was try and balance himself. It took a few tries, but he managed to steady himself.

Vanoss: Okay, got my balance [looks down at the bottomless pit] Jesus when does it end.

and on queue, a second portal opens up.

Vanoss: Huh, I guess luck is on my side.

he goes through the other end of the portal, and it happens to open up in the sky.

Vanoss: Never mind.

he then sees an island as he is falling, but he doesn't get a good look at it because as soon he sees it, he hears what appears to be a "bird" coming towards him.

Vanoss: Huh? [looks to his left and sees a silhouette of a flying creature] oh Shit!

the flying creature grabs a hold onto vanoss and starts taking him towards the island he tries to break free but it wouldn't let him, that's when he remembered his gun he pulls it out and aims at the flying creature only to hear clicking sounds he didn't reload the gun so now he pulls out the magazine only for the wind to blow it away.

Vanoss: SHIT!!

he then checks his pocket again to see if there was a chance of a loose bullet and what luck there was. He puts the last bullet in the gun and aims at the flying creature again.

Vanoss: Sorry, but this is my stop.

he fires only to miss his shot, but it managed to startle the creature, and it ends up loosing it's grip on vanoss.

Vanoss: hehe yeah alright [looks down] Oh wait.

he didn't realize it at first, but he was 100 feet in the air and has noway how to land safely.

Vanoss: I didn't think this through [the creature let's go] AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

he falls and is heading towards the forest below. He tries to flap his arms around to decrease the speed, but he ends up looking like a penguin trying to fly.


he crashes through the forest and he ends up hitting a bunch of branches it manages to stop his speed but he ended up getting hurt by them, after he gets hit by the last branch he falls to the ground safely....well sort of.

Vanoss: *grunts* a fffuck that fucking hurts [he then hears a tree branch breaking and looks up] huh?

the tree branch breaks off and it ends up hitting his face knocking him out cold.

there was nothing but pitched black it was nothing but darkness until some faint voices started to come.

faint voice: so yeah can you do that.

faint voice: of course.

faint voice: sweet then it's a deal.

faint voice: all you have todo is-

the voices then start to fade away but then more voices are heard.

faint voice: come on guy's let's just try and make one more video.

faint voice: dude just face it, it's over our videos haven't been doing well the views are terrible.

faint voice: and we haven't gotten any money out of it.

The Unexpected Adventures of team RWBY and Vanoss crew.Where stories live. Discover now