teaser to the next chapter.

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as she gets surrounded by the pack of creatures and readies her weapon, a load growl comes from behind a massive tree. The creature's then starts running towards the sound this confused her as she didn't understand why they all ran towards the sound she then sees them all jumping around like how a dog gets excited when their owner returns.

??: what the? why are they all jumping like that.

that's when a massive head pops out of the corner, revealing a bigger version of the creatures she was fighting the creatures, then changed their mood from threatening to playful and excited.

??: Wait, could this mean.

That's when she figured it out what was happening she wasn't fighting some regular jungle creature's no she was actually fighting babies, and the mother doesn't seem happy.

??: You got to be kidding me.

the massive creature sees her and sees what she did to her offspring, thinking that she killed them she let's out a threatening roar at her.

??: Sorry, I didn't know they were your kids, but they attacked me first, and their okay just out cold.

the creature starts getting closer to her, and the more it gets close, the more she realizes just how massive this thing is. She notices something about the creature it has scars on its body and when it went to check on one of the infants that was knocked out she sees that this thing has a massive scar on its right eye to the point were its blind on that side.

??: At least we have one thing in common [a massive armor appears behind her] we both have scars of our battles.

*threatening roar*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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