Little red in the Jungle

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darkness, nothing but a black void not a single living thing can be seen or heard it's almost as if we are in the vacuum of space, it was all quiet until an echoing voice is heard calling out for someone by the name of.

echoing voice: RUBY!

??: *GASP* huff׳

the person is named ruby and she wakes up from her slumber and catching her breath from the jolt she just had, she then starts looking around and notices that she woke up in the beach all she sees is seashells and some driftwood but then she looks...

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the person is named ruby and she wakes up from her slumber and catching her breath from the jolt she just had, she then starts looking around and notices that she woke up in the beach all she sees is seashells and some driftwood but then she looks forward and notices a jungle forest infront of her and a flock of birds start to flying away, she was hesitant at first because she didn't know where she is but didn't want to stay in the beach for long so she stands up and dust off the sand of her and begins to walk into the jungle she starts to explore the surrounding areas and wondering where she is, she notices some of the wildlife looks different from the one's she knew she then spots a bird walking along the floor at first she thought it was some sort of chicken but it looked odd it had a round body and it's wings were unusual small she tried to get a closer look but it runaways she then shrugs it off and continues to explore more, after some time she stops to take a break and decides to sit down on the side of a tree, she then starts remembering of what happened to her and how she ended up here she remembers seeing an explosion happening on a brightly yellow bridge like structure and people falling off and hearing screams of terror,then she sees a person with yellow hair falling of the edge, next she was now hanging on while holding onto someone's leg then another person came in she had a eyepatch covering her left eye and she begins to say something.

??: You should have never been born.

she then strikes at the person that ruby was holding onto they both fall to the abyss but then she sees someone holding on to her preventing her from falling into the abyss but something happened and they both end up falling into the black abyss, she goes through and as she's falling she sees these bright little orbs floating around one even goes through her hand she then continues to look at the orbs but then she gets attacked by someone she had two different eye colors and hair one side was pink and the other brown she then starts to change into three different people ruby tries her best to block the attacks but then the attacker went around her and starts to do a choke hold on her, ruby was having difficult time to breath and is struggling to break free but she then looks down and sees what appears to be a cloudy mist heading towards them finally she broke free and sends the attacker to the other side and a bright light then appears around her that was the last of her memory, there were tears in her eye's and she begins to cry over what she just experience from wherever she came from but then she hears some twigs snapping and voices come towards her she wipes away the tears and hides from whoever is coming.

??: So what do you think we will find for food?

??: I don't know, probably something that doesn't give us food poisoning. god, I never want to experience that again.

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