Ice Cream and Ferris Wheels

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Sarada led the way to the ice cream stand, Mitsuki and Boruto trailing behind. 

"Hey, Boruto," whispered Mitsuki suddenly.


"Do you feel that?"

Boruto stopped for a second and concentrated. Perhaps because of the thrill of the haunted house, and, if he was being completely honest, the total distraction that went by the name Uchiha Sarada, he hadn't registered the presence of someone following them. "Do you think it's the camera guy?"

"...I think it might be the guy from earlier that was interested in Sarada."

Boruto's eye twitched. This time for sure, his heart prickled with jealousy. He scanned the area, but saw no one. And then, the presence disappeared. "You go on ahead. I'll see if I can find him." 

Mitsuki shook his head. "I tried to find him earlier, back when I went to the bathroom. But he vanished without a trace... I think he might be another shinobi."

"Another shinobi?"

"If anyone should go after him, it should be me. You need to stay by Sarada and keep pretending like you're her boyfriend."


"Hm? That's what you were doing, was it not?"

Boruto's face turned beet red. "I-I-I was just..."

Mitsuki smiled. "Oh? So it wasn't an act."

"Come on guys," called Sarada from ahead of them, "if you don't hurry up, I'll leave you behind!"

At the sight of her voice and her smile with those stupid cat ears on her head and that dumb stuffed animal in her arms, Boruto's face involuntarily flushed. Crud. The whole haunted house ordeal made the palpitations in his heart ten times worse. She was just Sarada... But she wasn't just Sarada anymore. 

"For now, don't worry about it unless we see him again," said Boruto, planting each footstep firmly into the pavement. "We're supposed to be completing a mission for advertisement anyway, right?"

Mitsuki nodded, following after him. "Right."

When they got to the ice cream stall, even Boruto was surprised by the range of flavors. "Wasabi, pistachio, lavender, squid ink, rose... You can't normally find a place like this in a theme park," he commented over Sarada's shoulder, suddenly unable to stand the thought of being distanced from her. 

"I think I'm going to go for rose." Sarada lifted her head and startled Boruto who was slightly too close. "Mitsuki, what are you getting?"

"Hmm... I think I'll try squid ink. Boruto? What about you?"

He stared at the menu for a few more seconds. "Chocolate."

"Eh? That's lame," said Sarada, slumping her shoulders. "Come on Boruto, we're already here on a mission, you should get something more exciting!"

"How about corn?" Mitsuki suggested. "It would match your hair."

Boruto blinked a few times. "You know, as disgusting as that sounds, I guess I'll give it a shot."

A few minutes later, they all had neat swirled ice creams in their hands. Sarada took a lick at the side of her pink spiral and immediately let out a pleased hum. "This is delicious..."

"Mine tastes like fish," said Mitsuki, his lips already turning black.

Boruto sucked the top off of his yellowed ice cream, the frozen treat chilling his lips. "Hmm... Not bad." He held it over to Sarada. "Wanna try?"

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