Chapter 1 - Kidnapped

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They laughed hysterically as they turned away from the fire and carnage which filled their ears, their eyes looking forward to narrowly dodging trees and rocks which tried and failed to stop their 'great' escape. The footsteps following their chase grew in numbers as one set became heavy and one seemingly swifter than the others. Their high was too strong to come down from as they had adrenaline flowing through their veins, with constant streams of the hormone keeping them from collapsing onto the forest floor.

New clean white Nike's, now splattered in the ground's lawyer of dirt and leaves, as they took the brunt force from what nature had to throw back at them. Their great escape would not be hindered by no stick nor man which crosses their path. The largest of their creations had gone of in that stupid jail cell which they had been bailed out of, once again. News agencies would be at their door when morning comes, with cameras and microphones shoved so face into their face it would leave harsh marks, and they would give them the burning question.

"Who bailed you out this time?"

They didn't know. But maybe the people running after them knew, with their speed keeping up with theirs in the chase. They had to know something about it, otherwise why would they care so much? But (Y/n) couldn't focus on little matters like that, only running out of the forest like they had done before and before. With the so-called 'haunted house' at the end of their escape route they knew every inch of it, from its creaky floorboards to the suspicious amount of skeletons in there, they always knew the route quick enough to ensure them another escape from the law.

They bet whoever following them did too, it felt like a cliche to go inside and get caught by whatever was behind them, or whoever. It could be the mob, a gang or some bread monster. They didn't care because that wasn't them to get kidnapped, then call out to a 'hero' as if she were some damsel in distress.

With (Y/n) thinking quickly, they took a sudden left and bolted as hard as they could, as the taste of adrenaline slowly faded from their system, making them able to feel their legs start to become jelly, as the burning sense of astonishment became a burning sensation on their arms and her face. She hissed, a twig aimed poorly for their eyes as she hit it away. This was an alternate route, maybe this is why its so shit. Swerving around a tree and rock they realized they didn't know what was at the end of the 'road'. Could be a cliff side she would run off like in the cartoons, or a group of masked men ready to scoop them away into a grimy, humid dungeon for burning down over a 1/3 of the town.

They shook themselves from those, as the constant thinking was making running a secondary thought to their priority list. Then a 'SWOOOOOSHHH' came overhead and landed in the tree on the opposite side, only getting a second to turn to see what it was (Y/n) saw a glint of metal and blood as a bladed weapon nested itself into the oak. Their eyes widened, and they realized what was happening.

The fucking press found them, wait, no they were getting hunted for sport, wait. Okay maybe the masked men idea wasn't so far fetched.

Fumbling over their own legs for a second they jumped over a suspiciously placed bolder, but almost they hit a tree-looking person. They didn't even stop as the sight of a large blade, as it singed the top of their hair, (Y/n) was so fucked. As another hand attempted to grab their arm, they sharply pulled their arm back as it almost was touched by the unknown.. teenager? The person had a baseball cap on and one of those duffel bags; what adult would wear that in public?

They felt themself stumble and her legs trip over one another as the teenager(?) stuck his leg between her ankles as she fumbled over her legs and felt the cold dirt on her behind. Kicking herself back away as the men before her came closer she patted down her pockets and ankles and pulled out a blade. The one teen looking one laughed at it.

"Whatcha gonna do with that toots? It's as small as spie-" Then he was whacked by the taller one, the boy moaned in pain as the man looked down and grumbled at his behaviour.

"Look,  shiela, it's 4 against one, and that knife ain't gonna take down 4 mercenaries" He spoke, (Y/n) tried to pin down that accent by then furrowed her eyebrows looking up into his face.

"Mercenaries???" She mumbled, hand gripping the knife so hard it was leaving marks. Tensing her muscles hurt, but you know what hurts more? Being murdered by a gang, for just fought by one. They know that, from the TV shows the prison has on.

"Yeah? And that one looks like a teenager so what's he gonna do??" She spat back, and the boy had his mouth drop open as he sputtered out noises, the taller one chuckled but then another tall person came from the shadows.

"'Ave you idiots caught the arsonist yet?" He spoke with confidence, or maybe it was just the french accent (Y/n) could hear, then she squinted her eyes to get a better look at the newer male under the moonlight. That was a mask, and a suit? While the men all argued, after (Y/n) started to ridicule the French man's choice of clothing they started to argue. Starting with the teenager who the french man called 'scout' and the taller one who he called 'sniper'.

"Well she is right there you ask her" Scout said, spitting on the french man who looked at him with disappointment like a father would. And (y/n) pushed herself back a little more as the Frenchman went to ask her a question.

Turning, taking his disguise kit out and pulling out a cigarette.

"Where 're you going?" He asked, And (y/n) paused, laughing nervously and pointed their thumb at the space behind her.

"Away from you." She smiled as he narrowed his eyes down at her and pursed his lips.

"Mhm, and 'ow are you going to do that?"

"By standing, and running away? How else" She looked at him in confusion. Did he not know how to get up and just leave???

"Yes, but 'ow are you going to run away?" His eyes went up then back down, (Y/n) slowly looked up. What stood above her was a giant man, like brown bear giant. What are you supposed to do when you come face to face with a brown bear? Play dead? Maybe she needed to access the internet again. Picking at the seared skin on their arm they looked up at the man with a nervous chuckle.

"Hi- you are so goddamn tall" She mumbled, then he bent down and hooked his hands under her arms and lifted her up.

"HEY! THE HELL MAN!!!??" She exclaimed, kicking her legs around and jabbing their foot into the man's stomach, making him react and she grumbled in response.

"See? 'Ow would your plan go now?" The fancy pants man said to her. And she spat at his feet, he grumbled at the sight and narrowed his eyes at her. As (Y/n) held a grin on her face.

"How would your plan go now? Asshat" She muttered the last part and the man holding her exhaled at the comment.

"Can we go now? There's too many bugs out hereeee" Scout complained to them, sniper was already walking away and the frenchie disappeared like he was nothing but a hologram.

"Wait, heavy, where's the van?" Scout asked, 'heavy' stayed silent and just started walking.

"Scout can follow" He finally spoke and (Y/n) looked at him.

"Russian?" She asked, he nodded.

"Да, heavy is Russian" He confirmed to her.

And with scout in tow they walked through the woods to wherever this 'van' was. If it even exists that is.


Words: 1530


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