Chapter 2 - Garage

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(Y/n)'s eyes fell to darkness as the inside of the van was not lit up. Either they did this on purpose to get her to become more vulnerable or uncomfortable, or the owner of this van (the four men) was just too lazy to add in a light; a lamp would be a good addition to this moppy van. The metal beneath her was cold, and she could see the moonlight through many bullet holes littered throughout the shell of the vehicle. Staring up into them, she picked at her skin. They did not restrain her in any way, if you didn't count locking up the van so she couldn't escape whatever plans the group of men had. Though she swears that they look like they belonged to a bigger team than just the four of them.

Hearing them chat out the front of the van raised even more questions in her mind, who were these other people? And who the hell calls their child 'medic? 'Scout' was clearly the weakest of them all, in a keeping secrets sense. He was loud and talked a lot, A LOT. From making fun of the 'blu's' to poking fun at 'Heavy' for his driving skills. (Y/n) tapped her fingers along the metal floor, feeling the cold absorb into her skin and cause her to shiver. The least they could have done is given her a blanket or jumper to fend off the cold surrounding her.

She could tell Heavy didn't like Scout. Even if in his low voice there was no semblance of anger in it, she could still imagine how he is crushing the steering wheel as Scout began to laugh about the Medic. He heard Scout comment that if he gripped the steering wheel harder he'd crash the van with his weight alone, the van turned as Heavy hit the boy.

"OW!! Right, you're a sensitive big baby, sorry for hurting your little feeling " Scout muttered, (y/n) heard him say, and stopped herself from laughing at his comment.

She hums softly, eyes wide open and still investigating the shell which protected the world around her from her pyromaniac fingers and eyes full of fire. Her lighter was still in her pockets, but her pocket knife was taken away from her for the safety of the men now she thinks it was just for the safety of Scout, who looked weaker than her even if he was taller and faster. But it sucked that the small blade was taken from her as it was a parting gift to her from her brother before he was sent out to war; being a man in the army forced him to fight for their country. And (Y/n) is hanging onto the hope that she sees him again and gets that knife back from Scout.

Her eyes fell back to one of the larger holes in the van, hearing the groan from the metal as a breath of wind flowed through the holes in the walls. Making her shiver as she went back into her mind, maybe these people were connected to an army of some sort, no that seems silly. They all are wearing red, even the fancy french ones. They are probably some gang that seems more reasonable, if not more terrifying. But that didn't stop her brain from making her feel like she was unstoppable and couldn't be held down, even by some gang that didn't even use weaponry of any kind, unlike the officers who were always happy to take her prisoner. A female who was unstable, what an easy room she got in that jail.

Suddenly the van came to a harsh stop, she was shoved into the walls by the motion of parking and audibly let out a noise in pain, Scout snickered at it and (Y/n) narrowed her eyes in the dark. Finally, they got used to the darkness. Faintly seeing boxes surrounding her and a set of benches on each wall. Good thing she wasn't thrown into one of them. Heavy was kind enough not to throw her inside the van. And she felt him exit the van, the vehicle creaking under the sudden loss of weight, and it tilted to the side. Scout also exited, she heard him greet other people and greet a female. Clear by him calling her Ms Pauling, he seemed extremely enamoured by her existence. And also, the sound of high heels against hard flooring was a clear giveaway.

Then the sliding door of the van was yanked open, the sound of metal against metal made (Y/n) cringe inside from the sound. She looked forwards, staring straight at the woman she heard walking outside the van.

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