Chapter 3 - Stranger's room

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Now that (Y/n) was left alone in front of the door, she took a single step forwards and turned the handle on the door, hearing the sound of the handle squeaking as it allowed her entrance into this stranger's room. Now pushing it open with the handle she peered in, feeling for a switch on the wall and flipping it on. Blinking as the bright light filled her eyes, making her cover them for a moment as it was a large contrast between the hallway's light and the room's. Finally moving the hand away she could see the inside of her new room.

The walls had random pits of dark remnants of burnings and various random brush strokes of bright pink covered the walls. There was no furniture, except for a new single bed which sat in the right corner of the room, no blankets on it as it was left with its bare skeleton of wood and a basic white mattress settling on it.
"What the-" (Y/n) muttered to herself, letting her feet take her into the room and turning behind her. The door was pink, the side which faced the room at least. Whoever's room this was loved pink or seemed to.

"You seemed confused fille"

(Y/n) head slowly turned, and she knew who that voice belonged to.
"You." She muttered, narrowing her eyes at him. The tall Frenchman stood there, holding a lit cigarette in two fingers while using his other arm as an armrest.
"Me?" He asked her while raising an eyebrow, and she stood there in the empty room, looking at him like he had just broken into her room while having a moment.
"Who else would I be talking about? Why am I here, in this room, no less" She questioned, looking at the burn marks and pink paint.
"Didnt Miss Pauling tell 'ou?"
"No? She had to do other stuff."

"Hm," He left off, taking out a folder and throwing it at her. (Y/n) fumbled but caught it, some photos falling out as the folder lay in her hands. She bent down to pick them up and opened the folder.
The title wrote in a large bold font, and (Y/n) looked at it and placed the photos in, getting a look at the polaroids, which had photos of a person inside a fireproof suit. She stood back up and backed onto the bed to sit and read the information in the folder. Holding it with a heavy grip, she looked through the words, skimming at most to read some words like 'insane', 'mentally unfit to work' and 'addicted to fire starting'. Ruffing through the papers, she came to the last one, which had an incident report form.

"Ze man before 'ou had died while respawn was turned off. 'Orrible, but it happens," The Frenchman explained to her. Now stepping into the room, (Y/n) look at him with a confused face, holding a photo of the 'pyro' alongside a group of men. She could see the Frenchman there and heavy. They all looked so happy, but they couldn't tell what pyro felt behind the gas mask.
"He was a mystery, and only medic knew what was behind that mask" Spy took a drag from the cigarette between his lips, (Y/n) placed all the photos back into the folder. And then punished the dammed information sack away from her spot on the bed.
"So I'm expected to take over his place? I've never really fought, I just like burning down houses, not shooting people," She stressed, looking at the folder, and Spy stood still, staring down at her. He knew why she was here but didnt want to tell her. Why would he even bother telling her, she wouldn't understand something that complex if she couldn't shoot a gun.

She looked at him and threw the folder his way.
"If you're going to stand there, get out", She grumbled, wanting to be alone to soak in whatever this group or company wanted from her. He caught the folder with ease and walked out. Shutting the door behind him. (Y/n) sat there, eyes focused on the door.

After some time, (Y/n) stood up from the bed, walked over to the door and took a breath in she twisted the doorknob and pulled the door open. Poking her head from the room, she looked around and took one step out of the stranger's room, her room. Closing the door, she looked up and saw the metallic emblem shining in the dim hallway, a soft glare on her eyes.

'Okay, know what did Ms Pauling say, down to the right or left?' She stood there looking down at each side in confusion. God, she didnt remember what the woman had told her to do.
'Okay okay, let's see uhhh, we walked in through the right, so it must be left then' She thought, taking off in that direction, hearing the sound of laughing and yelling down the hall. She slowed her walking and stepped slightly forwards when she saw a group of men all around a rectangular table. She looked over them. All wore red she could clearly see heavy laughing the loudest, no sign of the spy, but she could see the two other men who had taken her sitting at the table, the taller bean poll looking one sat holding a bunch of cards and grumbling to himself while scout threw all his down yelling about 'soldier' cheating or something.

She assumed it was the man with the helmet covering almost his entire face who stood up suddenly, making his chair fall backwards with an unsavoury screech on the metal. She stood there uncomfortably, making if she got her pocket knife shed feel safer, but even if she had her lighter, nothing about this group, aside from heavy, made her feel safe. She slowly slinked around the corner and silently walked along the wall towards another hallway. She swears the one with an eyepatch saw her. They stared at one another before she took off down the hallway. Not bolting but quicker than how she was creeping towards it.
'So I need to get a respawn chip and ubercharge? What the hell did ms Pauling even say' She then turned another corner, and there stood double doors, with around eight chairs around it, four resting along either wall.

She stopped at the door and looked up through the window, it was blurry, and she couldn't see anything clearly, only the figure of a person rushing around the room with a flurry of white surrounding him. She stepped back slightly, then hovered her hand over the door, curling her hand up and knocking on the door, two hits to the door. Then she heard shouting, swearing is what (Y/n) presumed was being said as the sound of heavy boots against the floor came closer to the double doors, she backed up quickly before they were thrown open.
He shouted, looking around to see who had knocked while he was getting ready for surgery. Then he looked down, (Y/n) smiled awarkely.
"Hiiiiii", She drawled out, giving him a small wave. He lowered his arms.
"You are the new pyro, ja?" He asked, and she nodded. He straightened his back and moved to the side.
"You may enter then" (Y/n) walked forwards quickly, entering the doctor's(?) room. He closed the doors behind him and clapped his hands together.
"Vell let's get this started." He said happily, with a big grin on his face.

"Take off your shirt and get on the table."

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