Chapter 5 - Puttin' on the suit

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She was wrong, another man could ruin her day.

Now she was looking at the door, she didn't want to walk over and open it. (Y/n) wanted to sleep off the surgery.

"Are you sleepin' darl, if so i can come back tomorrow" A southern accent spoke from outside the door. Something about his words made her smile, which she quickly wiped off to open the door wide.
"Hello?" She asked. There stood one of the mercenaries. He had a yellow helmet in his hands, a glove on one of those hands. A red undershirt and brown overalls. Looking through the goggles which were over his eyes he smiled and stuck out the non-gloved hand for a handshake.

"Welcome to the team, I didn't have time to greet yah before" His accent still made her smile inwardly as whatever words he spoke sounded so much nicer. Like they were covered in honey and sugar.
"Oh, uh thank you" She shook his hand and then he handed her a rectangular tupperware container.
"Since ya weren't at dinner I saved some for ya"  He smiled and (Y/n) took the tupperware in one hand.
"Thank you, uhh?"
"Oh my apologies, name's Dell Conagher, but you'll be callin' me Engineer" He did a small bow in her direction, and (Y/n) gave a soft smile.
"(Y/n), it's nice to meet you Engineer" She looked at the food in the container.

"What'd you make?" They questioned, moving the container to her eye level to try and make out what he put inside the container, he chuckled at her actions.
"Well, it was a slice of lasagna, now it looks like a container of pasta" Dell joked, smiling at the woman, (Y/n) lowed the container but gave him a smile.
"Thank you, Dell." She was the softest she has been in a while, and even if this man was nice and she felt calm near him her energy was running out.
"Oh, not to forget this quickly." He placed a fork and knife wrapped in a few napkins on the container in her hands.
"Anyway Darl, you get some rest after you eat. I'll see you out on the field tomorrow" He waved to her as he turned around, humming a tune as (Y/n) face became confused. Battlefield? Tomorrow? Miss Pauling didn't tell her anything or even send her a letter or message or anything about it.

(Y/n) shut the door. Looking into the wood as her brain sent her back into rambling thoughts. If this was a battlefield who were they fighting? Would it be some other organization or gang that was out for this team of various strange men? (Apart from Dell).
(Y/n) placed the food onto the table, moving away the various blueprints she had laid out beforehand. Turning on the lamp she sat down. The chair was comfortable enough to deal with, and the lamp gave off a nice strong beam of light onto the workspace. Cracking open the container she smelt the lasagna and her mouth watered, oh how she missed the classic family dinners.

Digging into the meal her comfort only increased, she was happily eating a family dinner, even if alone in her room, while looking at her firework blueprints. One included a large double barrel firework launcher which would have the ability to shoot carefully selected fireworks from the barrels and use them like explosives instead of simple decorations or celebratory memorabilia. Maybe Dell could aid her? If he really was an engineer in this team he could maybe take these and acutally tell her if theyre possible to be made. She then heard the sound of metal hitting plastic. Looking down she found an empty container.

"Oh, how'd I finish it all without noticing.." She mumbled to herself. Closing the lid with the used napkins and cutlery inside. Placing it on her desk far from the edge. She then yawned, stretching her arms up while arching her back. Now smacking her lips together as she stood up, pushing in the chair and turning off the light. (Y/n) walked over to the closet and looked around it, inside was her clothes but a fireproof suit hung up at the left end of it, she paused staring into it as she grapped some of her old clothes.

Changing into the more loose clothing she folded her removed clothing and placed it on the desk. Now moving into her bed she laid back in it and stared at the room, glow in the dark stars littered the ceiling, it was .... comforting to have something that childish in a strange place. She rolled to have her back against the wall and closed her eyes to be lifted into a dreamless sleep.



"MAGGOTS!" A loud voice boomed through the hall behind her door, large footsteps now echoing along side the voice as the man who belonged to this loud, annoying exclaimation stopped at her door. (Y/n) cracked her eyes open, squinting them as the man now knocked on her door. She groaned, moving the blankets off her and shuffling to the door. The knocking was getting louder and she was getting annoyed.

"What-" Was what she could only get out before she came face to chest with a tall man, a helmet resting on his head with a red uniform, two straps with grenades on them as he held his hand up, about to knock again.
"Miss." He began, now stepping back slightly to give her an electronic device, it looked like a thick brick, metallic gray with an even darker reflective screen. It reflected her tired face on it.
"Miss Pauling ordered me to deliver this to you" He explained, nudging her to take it. A little aggressive as she took the device.
"Wha,, what even is this?" She asked, the device weighed a good amount as she turned it over to check it out. Large words marked the back of it.


She hummed, and almost dropped it as it turned on.
"Hello, Pauling here" Miss Pauling's voice wasn't clear, but understandable as she looked at the screen. Miss Pauling's face stared at the woman.
"Hey?" (Y/n) answered, now looked back to the man who stood there stiff, as if waiting for an order.
"Miss (L/n), good to know Soldier actually delivered this in one piece" She spoke in a bland tone, (Y/n) could hear the tiredness in her voice as the woman nodded now knowing his name.
"Okay Soldier you can leave now" She added, the man saluted and marched off, banging on the door a few metres from hers, which was met with the yells of a younger sounding man.
"Okay (L/n), you won't be put into real battle today, you'll be against some bots so we know you're not a lost cause" The purple woman addressed, looking down at a clipboard, then moving some papers around.

"Okay, that seems simple" (Y/n) softly muttered out, now closing her door.
"What do I need?"
"There should be a fireproof suit in your closet tailored to your measurements, a pair of black boots and a gas mask. Put them on and wait till Heavy gets you." She ordered, (Y/n) slowly nodded along with the words and heard a noise of the 'call' ending. She placed the device onto her bed, now looking down at her clothes she wondered for a second.
'What do people wear under fireproof suits?' She thought, opening the closet door and taking out the suit, and the boots. She then spied a beige tank top and black bicycle shorts.
'That should work' She hummed, taking out all this clothing and moving it onto her bed. First taking off her sleeping clothes to replace it with the tanktop, bicycle shorts and a pair of socks.

She put on the fireproof suit, zipped it up and put on the boots. They felt strong, steel capped even. She looked at her hands, something was missing, she walked back to the closet and rummaged through it until she found a pair of large rubber gloves, they were black with yellow fingers and a yellow band around the end of them. She also saw the gas mask Miss Pauling was talking about. Then she heard a heavy knock at her door, she walked to the door and opened it to see heavy standing there, a gruff look on his face.
"Litle (Y/n) almost ready?" He asked, and she nodded quickly, now putting on the gloves, and taking the Device from her desk. She held the mask in her hands, not putting it on yet.
"Okay I'm ready, where are we going?"
"Practice room" He stated as they walked. Now going past many men, Soldier; who gave her the device that Heavy has told her is called a 'ConTracker'. Medic, who looked extremely sleep deprived as he chewed on his blue pen. Engineer, who hummed to himself while cooking breakfast, a delicious smell of bacon and eggs wafting into her nose made her drool slightly.

She didn't see scout, but saw Sniper who was drinking from a mug with the words "#1 Sniper' written on it with large red letters. Another man was face down on the table, she thinks this was the one who saw her yesterday sneaking to the medic's clinic. Spy was nowhere to be seen, thank god.

Then Heavy opened two large metal doors, bright light beaming into her face, she covered her eyes with a gloved hand. She looked around, large metallic bots which looked like the Russian man before her laid motionless, more littered around, all looking like the various men around her. But they were... blue.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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