Chapter 4 - My room

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(Y/n) looked at the doctor like he was a madman, and based on the appearance of the room she was in he definitely was one.

"Huh?" Was the only word she got out before he dramatically drew back curtains to reveal a surgery table, with a large piece of machinery hooked up on the ceiling pointing down at the center of the table.

"So I can do ze surgery?" He said like she was stupid, and (Y/n) still just looked at the table in disbelief. "Ohh" She nodded like she understood this and looked at him.

"Wait, like topless?"

"Ja, I need to access your heart for ze surgery" He then went to the other side of the room to open the cabinet and take out objects and a large blue container. (Y/n) awkwardly stood there and stepped slightly to the side towards the table. 'okayyy..' she thought.

"I can azure you zhat you would have nothing I haven't seen before," He said, humming to himself and adjusting his glasses. She nodded to his words, her skin was scarred, but she wasn't uncomfortable having them on show. But having to be topless for surgery, she was basically forced to have to stay alive? That gave her many icks.

"Do I need to be topless?" She asked, Medic now had all his instruments, and he pulled closer to him and placed all those basic things on there, with the addition of a large bone saw.

"Anyzhing you need on you can keep. Again I need to access zour heart", (Y/n) hooked her hands under her shirt and took it off, grumbling to herself as she neatly folded it and placed it on the surgery table. Then she hopped up onto it.

"Vell? Lay down frau" He flicked a switch on the machinery she was looking at before making her look at it in confusion. Medic saw her face and laughed, lightly hitting the machine.

"Zhis is the Medi Gun, it will keep you alive in battle and keep you living here" He seemed proud to have someone interested in his machinery and the mechanics that keep the team alive.

"Aight." (Y/n) mumbled under their breath, she laid down on the cold table. Picking at the scarred skin on their stomach as the medic hummed along a small tune while picking up a small bottle and a needle. (Y/n) tightened their jaw, looking at it.

"Now, zhankfully for you, we have somezhing so you aren't avake during zhe procedure" He plunged the needle into the bottle's top and drew out some of the liquid.

"It's of my own creation, so it'll vork perfectly" He grinned, placing the bottle down and tapping the side of the needle, letting some of the liquid out to ensure no air bubbles. He grabbed (Y/n)'s arm with more gentleness than she expected from the man. And lifted her forearm closer to him. Pressing down onto the skin, he carefully pressed the needle into her skin, (Y/n) sucked in air at the needle's intrusion.

As the drug entered their body (Y/n), they felt a sudden weightlessness and saw a soft red beam connected to her body, soothing the feeling of the needle leaving her skin. She looked at it, slowly blinking as she was fuzzy in her head. The machine make it feel like there was a soft crackling in her ears as she hummed softly, shutting her eyes and falling asleep


(Y/n) woke slowly, still tired even if she had just been in a medically induced sleep. She rose onto her elbows. Blinking and looking around the room. The red curtains surrounding the table had been drawn shut, and she was now resting on a bed instead of the surgery table. They were about to fall back to sleep before Medic dramatically opened the curtains.

"Ah! You're avake!" He exclaimed, clapping and walking to the side of the bed.

"Are you feeling alright? No pain?"

"Aughh, let me sleep" She raised a hand, waving it in his face, though it didnt make contact as he chuckled at her behaviour.

"Zhe drug does have a chance to do that to you", (Y/n) pulled the blanket over her eyes.

"I'm Sleeping"

"Ja Ja Frau, but you should sleep in zour own bed" She groaned at those words, peaking her eyes out of the blanket.

"That's too far for me" She muttered, turning away from the German doctor, who shook his head at her actions.

"Jou really are like Pyro" , He mumbled under his breath, but she clearly heard him. Slowly turning over on the bed to face him, she sat up. He crashed her carefree mood, ruining whatever relaxation she had around him.

"I, I'm going to my room" She revered her answer and (Y/n) pushed away the blanket. Apparently, he had put her shirt on while also moving her to this other bed.

She moved past him. She didn't want to be compared to this other person, they were dead. What good is that going to get them if people start to compare her with a dead person? What if this person before them was one of those weird people, and she was being compared to them, and they were doing the same things?

She pushed the door of the room open. The dry air fills her nose and face as the climate between the Medic's room, and the outside area(What she assumes to be the rest of the base) is dryer and warmer. Just how she likes it. Walking down the same hallway, she came through before this 'surgery' and to the dreaded lounge area. But now no one was there.

No one was at the table, but only a single piece of paper lay on the table's edge. Clearly, this was meant for her to take.

They walked closer to it, seeing the word written on the top.


'Weird.' She mumbled, picking up the note.

It was on those really light and flimsy pieces of lined paper. Clearly ripped out of a journal or notebook as the left edge was all torn and messy, it was folded, so the third holding her name was at the top, and the note was securely folded underneath it. (Y/n) looked down at it, then flipped the top piece up and the bottom folded down. The writing was horrible. Almost all of the words were misspelt, and the writing was clearly crooked. Whoever wrote this couldn't do basic English, and neither could they write between the lines.

(Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows and refolded the letter, not reading too far except for a few words of 'Welcome', 'Better not be insane' and 'fireproof'.

Gripping it she walked away, holding it tight enough for it to crease. Now before 'her' door, she turned the doorknob and pushed the door.

'Time to sleep on a skinless mattress.' She thought, giving a little sarcastic ' yayyy' , until her eyes fell on the room, her bed. It was HER BED . No one's old bed. It was the one from her home. She smiled with glee, and next to the door to her left was a table, not hers, but she'll accept it.

(Y/n) stepped into the room and looked around. The walls had been repainted a nice cream colour, her bed in the same spot as the older one and her wardrobe in the opposite corner in a nook in the wall clearly for her wardrobe, but next to it was a door she didn't see before. Walking to it she opened it and peered in.


She was feeling a little better now, knowing she wouldn't have to use the same bathroom as eight other men. She smiled and turned around to see her backpack on the floor. A nice (f/c) backpack that she used to hold all her fireworks and fire starters. (Y/n) clapped in excitement and knelt down, and opened it up. All her babies were in there, the classic firecracker and a few of her own creations. She pulled out blueprints she had been working on before and placed them on the table above the backpack. She zipped it up and stood to her feet.

She was feeling better, and not even another man could ruin her day.

Knock, Knock , Knock



Words : 1406

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