Chapter 1: My Year

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"Give me an "F", give me an "I", give me an R-S-T"

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"Give me an "F", give me an "I", give me an R-S-T". It's my first day of freshman year for me, me, me !" said Addison, cheering around our room.

"Oh, hi. I'm Calista and that's Addison. We have crushed cheer summer after cheer summer of cheer camp. But today's her shot at making the Seabrook cheer squad." I said, getting up out of bed. "You cheer and you fit in. And why wouldn't we fit in?"

"We're totally normal teens. Well, except for this. Born with it. Doctors can't explain it. They think it's some rare genetic thing. We can't dye it, nothing sticks. We've tried everything. In some places this hair might be odd in, like, a cool way, but not at Seabrook."

"People here hate anything that's different. If anyone outside our family found out we wore wigs, we would never be allowed to cheer. So we've worn a wig for as long as we can remember." Why can't Seabrook accept people being different? The only reason I got into cheerleading was because of my family and I didn't want to let my parents down. I also promised them that I'll keep an eye on Addison even though I'm a sophomore. She's a freshman.

After we got ready for school, we went into the kitchen to eat breakfast and our parents were excited for Addison. I hope Bucky and the Aceys go easy on her and the others. The reason why I said that is because they tend to go overboard with the newbies trying out for the squad.

"Cheer tryouts today! Cheer tryouts today!" said Mom and Dad, excitedly.

"I am way fired up," said Addison.

"Addison, you know that Seabrook's won every cheer championship since... forever with your sister's contributions to the squad as co captain."

"Forever." said Dad, whispering to Addison while he was on the phone.

"But now the city council's having our zombies in our schools, we need cheer more than ever. As mayor, I beseech you. You make that team and win that cheer championship."

"Beseech her? Really, Mom?" I said, cringing at her words.

"I get- that was um..."

"Yeah, Missy, that was a bit much." said Dad, walking over to her.

"A bit much, I failed at that."

"Nothing's gonna stop you, Addison."

"As long as you and your sister keep those wigs on." We fixed our wigs, making sure that they're straight.

"Oh, yes, of course, as long as both of you keep the wigs on."

"Honey? It's on."

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