Chapter 4: Someday

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Zed told me that he and the other zombie students were allowed to eat in the cafeteria and I was really happy for him

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Zed told me that he and the other zombie students were allowed to eat in the cafeteria and I was really happy for him. Even though everyone else won't be happy with zombies being in the cafeteria.

I was eating lunch with Addison and Bree until the P.A. system came on. I knew Bucky and the Aceys would try to sabotage the zombies, but I still don't know how they are gonna do it. It still isn't going to happen on my watch.

"Hello, students. This is Principal Lee. As you may have heard, zombie students are now allowed to eat in the cafeteria."

The crowd mumbles in disarray while Addison and I were happy for them.

"Ugh! Just deal with it!" said Principal Lee, on the intercom.

The zombie students then entered the cafeteria.

"The human cafeteria. Wow, Zed. You really delivered." said Eliza, walking through the cafeteria with the other zombies as they made their way to the other side of the cafeteria.

I then noticed Addison and Zed looking at each other while Bucky seemed to be in a bad mood from the zombies being in the cafeteria. I don't see why everyone is against the zombies. Eventually, they will start to warm up to them. Bucky isn't gonna let Addison be with Zed. He will scheme with the Aceys to keep them apart and divided.

"Our very own lunch table in the darkest corner under cheap fluorescent lights and by the trash cans." Eliza looks around their lunch spot.

"I know. It's perfect. Living large and in charge." said Zed, sitting down with her.

Meanwhile, Bree was talking to me and Addison, but my sister was too enamored with Zed to even join in the conversation. I think that they will make a great couple and Bucky will never ruin it between them.

"I just love the thought of flying through the air. Oh my/ God, oxygen is overrated. And so is dirt." said Bree. "Ugh, I hate doing the dishes, but it's like I love soap. Isn't it weird? Addy?"

"Are you okay, Addy?" I said, asking her.

"My heart's racing and my palms are sweaty." said Addison, answering me.

"Oh no, you have the flu." said Bree.

"No, it's Zed."

"Wait, you like like him? You like like a zombie? Wow."

"That's bad, right?"

"Really bad. Our parents would freak out." I said, mentioning it to her.

"Are we still friends?" She said, asking Bree.

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