Chapter 7: Cheer Championship

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The zombies got sent back to Zombietown

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The zombies got sent back to Zombietown. I was still mad at Bucky and I ended up giving him the silent treatment. Zed and the other zombies didn't have to leave Seabrook. I thought everyone was warming up to the zombies, but they are now starting to hate them again. The Aceys tried to get into my good graces by apologizing to me, but their apology failed big time. I'm also ignoring them.

"Alright, get out." The officers opened up the doors of the patrol vehicle to let the zombies out.

Zed, Eliza, and Bonzo got out of the vehicle.

"We spent some time in Zombie containment. Not fun. But it's all my fault. I thought I was doing something right by doing something wrong," said Zed. "But now all zombies are getting software updates. No more "tweaking" them. Sweet. Eliza, they have Wi-Fi now."

Eliza gives him a look.

"Too soon?" He shares a look with Bonzo.

"Cheerleaders steal my computer, sabotage everything yet zombies get the blame. You know, it was stupid of us to think humans were gonna change." said Eliza, angrily. "You know what? We tried doing it the nice way, now it's time to do it my way, alright? We'll have a zombie uprising! Force them to make us equal or we tear it all down. Hey, I've been waiting my whole life, alright? I'm sick of waiting." She then walks over to her house when her mother hugs her.

"Your father and I have been so worried," said Eliza's mother.

Bonzo and Zed split up. Zed goes to his house when his dad walks up to him.

"What were you thinking? Hey? You could've died adjusting your Z-band, Zed. You don't have to change who you are, son. I love who you are." said Zed's dad.

"Yeah, but they don't." said Zed.

They share a hug.

"Let's get inside." They go inside the house.

Bucky is changing the line-up for the cheer squad. It wasn't great at all and I wasn't there to help him. I sided with Addison instead of him. He and the Aceys should just stay out of the way because change is coming and the zombies will be accepted in Seabrook.

"With the cheer championship a few hours away, Bucky is purging anyone who isn't anti-zombie." said Addison.

"And that's a lot of people." I said, finishing her sentence while closing the door back.

"What is this? Huh?" said Bucky, inspecting one of the cheerleaders. "Zombie flare? You're cut."

"Oh." The male cheerleader whimpers while running out of the gym.

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