Buddy Holly

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(Luigi) Me, flirting with him? I was saving my skin! Sure, he was a big muscle dinosaur who loved his kids and I was, well, not straight. But he was most certainly straight, cause that's how it goes. Also I wasn't attracted to him, just scared!

"Hey big L!" Daisy said from my window.

"Daisy, Birdette, what are doing here?"

"Well, we have to tell you some important stuff from the Mushroom Kingdom." Birdette said.

"Your brother is going to save you in four days."

"Why four days? Also Mario's alive?"

"Four days so that Bowser won't suspect him."

"Mario's alive cause me and Bowser thought you were Mario and Mario is, um, alive?"

"Anyway, we have to run cause koopas' are on our tail. Ciao!"

"Wait!" I screamed, but they were already gone. They still didn't know I was not Peach. Why do women never listen?

After that hullabaloo, it was time to go to bed! But no one could ever allow me to sleep, so the smallest of the Bowsers knocked on my door.

"Dad, are you alive?" He asked.

"Sure am, buddy! what do you need?" I said while getting out of bed.

"I can't fall asleep, can you tell me a story?"

"Oh, what sort of story do you wanna hear?"

"A story about you!"

"About me?"

"Yeah! Like, I bet you fought pirates or something!"

"Uh, well, no. I didn't fight pirates."

"Well then what did you do?"

"Well, I didn't really do much. Your Uncle Mario, though, he had an interesting life."

"I don't wanna hear about him. Tell me about you!"

"Well, I went around fixing things for people."

"Like a super hero?"

"I guess you could say that." I proceeded to tell him about the ups and downs in my life, with maybe a few embellishments. He was fascinated by my story's of making people's sinks unclog. After about an hour of going back and forth about our lives, he was ready for bed. I went over to his room, tucked him in, then went to sleep myself.

I awoke with a start because Bowser was looming over me watching me sleep. I stared at him, not really believing that he was even there. His eyes widened. He just stood there like a freaking creep! I didn't wanna say anything cause he was being so weird! And again, I didn't know if he was actually there. He grabbed my hand. He was there, all right!


"Oh, you're awake?" He said, letting go of my hand and backing away.

"Yeah, I was staring right at you, you didn't see?"

"I guess my vision isn't what it used to be."

"So, Bowser boy, can you care to explain why you were watching me sleep?"

"Uh, none of your business!"

"Oh, none of my business! What a clear and concise answer!"

"I was making sure you weren't dead."

"Oh, so you suddenly care if I live or die? What about yesterday, Bowser boy?"

"I don't care if you die, I could ground pound you into the ground right now. But I'm not going to."

"Uh-huh, sure, Bowser boy."

I knew it! He loved me! He didn't want to kill me because he loved me! My totally fake flirting worked! I got out of bed.

"So, What's on the agenda for today? Flirting? A romantic stroll? Picking flowers?"

He clenched his fists. "You're going to play baseball with me and my kids."

"Oh, is that it?"

"Sush, green bean!"

"Oh, a nickname! How cute!"

"It's not cute, it's to insult you!" He screamed at me. I kept a level head, somehow.

"I choose to understand it as a nickname!" I said as I grabbed his hand and lead him out the door.

He was, obviously, freaking out. Anytime I looked back, he was blushing like crazy. Something I realized was that Bowser had on his wedding ring. He had on his wedding ring, from me and him being married. Why did he have it on? It's not like he liked me enough to be married to me, that would be ridiculous!

So, after getting all the kids and getting them outside, we set up a little baseball field. Flowers served as bases. I was on the children's team. 9 against 1. Jr, the smallest of the Bowsers, was the pitcher, and Wendy, the only girl, was the catcher. Me, Iggy (the one with the glasses), and Larry (the most plain of the children) were the the basemen. Roy, sunglasses kid, was the umpire. The rest were outer field.

The wind up, the throw, and a hit. The ball went way past me, far into outfield. As I was watching the ball, I heard a rumbling getting closer. I turned around at the last moment to see Bowser hurdling towards me. He scooped me up in one graceful motion.

He looked down at me with confusion, almost as if he had tried to run me over. He somehow managed to to avoid the other 2 basemen and slide into home base, me still in his arms. Roy looked at the both of us.

"You're out!"

"What do you mean I'm out?"

"Dad, you can't kidnap a baseman, no matter how much you love him."

"I don't love him! Also, what rules say that?"

"I'm pretty sure it's implied, you're out."

"Oh come on, your dad deserved that run!"

"He did not! You can't kidnap a baseman! It's basic logic! If you do that, then the baseman can't do his job! You  both are out!"

We sat on the ground a good distance away from the field so that the children could play without us. I sat on his lap. I looked at his hands. I felt somewhat guilty about not wearing my... necklace. Then again, Mario would be saving me in a couple days.

"Thanks for wanting me to win, green bean."

"You still using that as an insult?"

"I guess not. What about your nickname?"

"Oh, that hasn't been insult."

"Wait, does that mean you?"

"Love you? I'll tell you if you tell me first."

He fiddled with his ring. "I guess."

"Makes sense." I said. I looked up at him. "I guess I love you too."

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