Chapter 2

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Izuku POV

I make my way through the streets as the sun sets on the horizon. I don't really know where I'm going. And I don't really care, I just need to think. I continue to mutter which makes some people look at me weird. I probably sound drunk or something. I look up at the sky to see that the sun has almost completely set, my mom is probably worried about me by now. But I still don't feel like going home. I wander around for a while longer until I reach a part of town that I don't recognize. I attempt to go back the way I came but it's useless, everything looks different in the dark. Times like these are when I wish I owned a cell phone, but since my dad left and I'm too young to work, money is already tight enough. I take a random turn that looks like it will take me back towards home, or at least an area I recognize. After a few minutes of walking I notice that the sun has completely set and the street lamps are turning on. I need to get home. Mom is probably worried out of her mind right now! I scan the streets for a hero but there aren't any. I guess it's to be expected. This is a residential area and there aren't usually villains here. No press either Still it's odd for there not to be any.

I grumble. "Of course, whenever I actually need a hero there aren't any around." I think back to all the times I was bullied and abused by my classmates and teachers, where were the heroes then?

"I know the feeling, kid." Someone behind me calls and makes me jump. I spin around and find myself looking at a tall man with long black hair, black clothes and an excessively long scarf. A hobo I conclude.

"Oh, um, hello sir." I try to sound polite but really I'm nervous. Where did this guy even come from? I feel like I would have heard his footsteps if he had been following me. Perhaps he has a warping quirk? But then why would he be here? Maybe he isn't homeless? Is one of these houses his?

"Um, Kid?" The man questions and I realize I was muttering.

"Oh, sorry!" I exclaim, "I do that sometimes, I've been trying to break the habit for a while now."

"It's fine kid." The man sighs. I notice eye bags that make him look like he hasn't slept for weeks, "Are you lost?"

"Yeah, I am." I say, "How'd you know?" I ask. Then I started scolding myself in my head. He could be a murderer! You should have said that the house we're standing in front of was yours, or another on the street!

"Why else would you need a hero?" The man asks.

"Oh, yeah, right." I slowly start to back away from the man. If he notices he doesn't show it, "Um, do you think that you could give me directions to Aldera Middle school?" I question, in a few years that is where I'll be going to school, I know my way home from there. And this way he doesn't have my address if he really is a murderer.

"Kid, it's eight thirty, why do you need to go to school?"

Oh, whoops, didn't think about that, "Um, a project?" Shoot, I made that sound like a question. I'm panicking now. I'm nine, alone, in an area I don't recognize with a man that I don't know. This is how kidnappings happen.

The man shrugs and turns around. He points back where I came from, "Down that way, take a left onto fourth street and walk until you hit 7th then turn right, it'll be up ahead."

I try not to let my shock show on my face, "Oh, um, thank you! I have to go! To do the project!" I mumble and dash away from the hobo-man. When I look back there isn't anyone there. "He must have a warping quirk, I'm sure of it!" I whisper and then keep running until I can see my apartment building.

Aizawa POV

I leap from rooftop to rooftop on my way back to base, I have to tell Nezu about this kid. Something about him just strikes me as different, potential. I don't see it in a lot of people. Whether it be wannabe heroes or thugs playing villains, potential is a rare thing to see. But the kid, I should really find out his name, shows some. I leap to the ground and make my way to a small alleyway, hidden between two larger buildings. This is the shadier part of town, most people don't come this way unless they've done something illegal, but even if it was a crowded area I doubt anyone would notice it. I slip down the alleyway to a dark metal door, made to look rusted and unused. I open the door with my keys and enter a scene that I can only describe as something out of my nightmares. Present Mic and Midnight have gotten drunk again and are tormenting All Might's ears with a song from a long time ago about a duck and a lemonade stand. With Hisashi's quirk in effect it's a miracle that his eardrums aren't bleeding yet.

"Shut up!" I shout and activate my quirk, my eyes glow red and my hair floats from my head. I send my capture weapon towards Hisashi and Nemuri and cover their mouths, "Yagi, I thought I told you to keep them away from the alcohol." I sigh.

"I tried!" He protests and I let my quirk deactivate.

"Just deal with them and stop them from singing that terrible song!" I walk further into the room. Our base consists of a kitchen, where I am now, several bedrooms, a living room/meeting room, various other rooms that serve other purposes (like torture), and the basement serves as a gym. Unlike what the building looks like on the outside it is actually very nice, it helps when you have Nezu, the number one villain and master hacker as your leader, hacking bank accounts is nothing for him. (A/N, I made Nezu the number one most wanted villain and All Might the number two because I feel that if Nezu let himself run wild he would be way more dangerous than All Might.) I walk over to the sink and use the detachable nozzle to spray Nemuri and Hisashi in the face, sobering them up.

"GAH!" Hisashi shouts and I activate my quirk again so I can keep my eardrums intact.

"Mic, Midnight, take a few minutes to sober up and come to the meeting room. Bring everyone else with you too. All Might, come with me." All Might might outrank me when it comes to the official charts, but he knows that he better follow any orders I give him or he won't like the results.

"Coming." All Might responds and we make our way down a hallway towards Nezu's office. I knock and Nezu lets us in. When we enter we find the Chimera with a cup of tea, watching the news with a sadistic look on his face, he's barely containing his laughter. When I see what's playing I can see why. Hawks and Ectoplasm's faces are being shown while a news anchor reports on the recent chaos that they brought to Hosu yesterday. That was a project brought on by Nezu's boredom, he wanted entertainment and sent the two of them to cause some chaos and chaos they brought. Somehow they managed to send the entire city into a panic and set several buildings on fire in the span of less than two hours. Though I guess it helps when you can have more than one of you.

"What brings you here?" Nezu questions and turns the TV off.

"I found a kid." I say in a monotone voice, "He has potential."

"What does that have to do with me?" All Might asks, perplexed.

"Because it gave me an idea." I grin, a rare occurrence that usually ends with bloodshed, but in this case it will be a little less brutal.

"I'm intrigued, you rarely see potential in anybody." Nezu comments, "What is the name of this kid, and what is your idea?"

"I never got the kids name, he was cautious around me," And rightfully so, "But I can describe his appearance, and we both know that's all you need to find him." Nezu nodded his head in agreement, "As for the idea, I want to make the kid a villain, and I want to find more kids with potential. Their brains are still developing, their minds and morals are moldable, and many of them could make incredible villains. From what I observed of this kid he possibly has a great analytical mind and I think he might just have the motivation and the mindset to be a villain, I want to test him, if he passes we go from there."

All Might looks like the world is ending. "What did this kid do for you to talk about him like you might actually like him?"

"I don't like him, but he reminds me of me." I admit begrudgingly. 

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