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The next morning, I'm woken by an irritating noise from my bed side table, the phone.

Who the fuck is calling ME?

I eventually picked up the phone, only because I wanted the stupid thing to stop ringing.

"What the fuck did you say to Kurt"  Krist's voice came through on the other line

  God the last thing I wanted was to speak to my demented pal Krist.

"I didn't say anything.. much to him. Why?"

"He is acting like such an asshole today and I can guarantee you have something to do with it. I know you're still upset about Annie possibly moving, but you need to seriously get a grip" Krist whispered into the phone. Probably trying to keep quiet so Kurt doesn't hear him.

"Always me ain't it?" I grumbled, "Ugh, he's always an asshole, it's just taken you longer to realize, shit brain"

"Back off, what did you say?" Krist sounded a little distorted and maybe even offended.

"I'll tell you later, let me sleep, I'm tired, it's too early to be talking to losers" Just as he tried to say something, I grouched and slammed the phone down.

The phone rang again. And again. And the third time I answered it, except I wished I listened before I spoke.

"Go away Krist, tell Kurt to fuck himself for me, would ya?" I yelled into the phone.

"I beg your pardon?" My mother's grueling voice was on the other end.

Oh shit.

"Oh umm, hey mom" I 'smiled'

"We are going out to afternoon tea today, I'm sure Oliver has told you already. I really wanted to see you while I was visiting Olympia. You're my only daughter that still talks to me you know?"

I wonder why that is?

"Uhh yea, what time was that again?" I cringed

"In about 10 minutes? Just reminding you. I know how forgetful you are. I'll be around soon to pick you up? I'd really love to see you again" Even though I couldn't see her, I could tell she was smiling, now this was a once in a lifetime thing, she was always cranky at me.

"Okay.. See you soon I guess" I mumbled and hung up the phone

I sat up on the edge of my bed and rubbed my face, I really could use and extra hour or 2 of sleep.

Just as I stand up, I hear this irritating, yet familiar noise coming from my bedside table.

The Goddamn phone.

Furious, I smack my hand down on the phone and put it to my ear.

"Holy shit do you ever pick up? You didn't let me finish my sentence before you moron, and by the way, it's not early. It's 2 in the afternoon" Krist's annoying voice is on the other end again.

"Oh my God can you go away?" I clenched the phone with my hand, hoping it would break into a trillion pieces.

"Wait, before you hang up, I need a favor. I'm not sure if Kurt told you, but tonight we're performing a gig at that bar not too far from your flat, it's walking distance, you know? Because you're too lazy to get your licence?"

I grumbled, "Yea, what do you want?"

"Well.. You could get here in like 4 hours that would be great. We need you to run the merch bar, we didn't really think of that when we took the gig, I'll pay for your drinks for the rest of the week" Krist said with a tone of hope in his voice.

"Krist you are the most annoying fuck on this planet why would I ever do something for you?" I sounded like a total bitch but this was Krist so..

"Really? Like you'd enjoy being at home by yourself? I'll pay Kurt's rent for this month. Please, I'll even try to smooth things over between you two" He was begging at this point, I mean he was right.

"Okay, fine. Now go away I have to go eat with my mom at that cute little café"

"Wait! Another thing-" I hung up the phone before he could finish his sentence.

I'd slept in the clothes I wore the day prior, so I just changed my shirt. Surely my mother won't notice, it's not like I'm bringing home another C minus or anything.

So much for my break.

I'd have to admit, being 22 and not having a license totally blows. I zoned out on my test and drove into a flower shop. Not one of my finest moments I'd say.

Enough about that, my mom was coming to get me in less than ten minutes.

I quickly changed my shirt, brushed my teeth and nearly ripped my hair out by brushing it like a feral person.

In my peripheral vision, I could see my mothers fancy car pull up in the driveway, not to sound insensitive or anything, but I've been waiting for her to give me that car for ages.

It still hasn't happened and until it does I will forever be mad at her.

She honked and I ran outside and quickly got in the backseat.

"Excuse me? Backseat? I'm up here you know?" She deadpanned back to me.

I lightly shook my head and got in the front seat. "Sorry, habit"

She sighed and reversed out of my driveway.

"You know, last week I saw your little pals getting wasted on the side of the road as I was driving into Olympia. You need to hang around a more responsible and respectable crowd"

God she was so infuriating. Such a snobby rat.

"Yea whatever." I whispered under my breath

"Anyway, on a happier note. How is Oliver doing? Are you guys okay? Did I do good in matchmaking?" She squealed

She likes to show off the fact she "match made" us. Little does she know I'm just doing this so she gets off my back. I feel kind of sorry for poor Ollie.

I don't feel great about him, especially after what happened in Seattle.

"He's fine. We're fine." I blurted in a sullen tone, my neck was sore from looking out of the passenger seat window so I didn't have to look at her.

"Oh okay.." She said, very sad.

She was doing the guilty thing again. Making me feel like the bad one here.

Okay, RIGHT NOW I may be the bad one, but she has been the bad one my entire childhood, if you would even call it that.

"I hope you don't mind. I invited him to lunch with us, he's just such a lovely boy" She smiled.

We are barely a couple. We barely see each other and he knows i'm not exactly crazy about him

I rolled my eyes, maybe to the back of my head. "It's okay"

Maybe that would take the pressure off of me, I mean Ollie sure loved to talk, like A LOT.

I leaned back on my seat and shut my eyes, I could've been in bed, but no. I don't win in life.

The silence filling the air, and the tension, was enveloping me. It must've been enveloping her as well.

"Anyway, what have you been up to?" She asked as we stopped at a set of traffic lights.

"Not much. Val and I went on a road trip to Seattle to see Laura and Annie" I leaned back and wished I was still there instead of here.

"Mhm.." She mumbled as she pulled into a parking spot.

Thank the lord that the car ride was OVER.

Now for the hard part.


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