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January 27th, 1993

25 sure is a big one. I'm having a tiny get together for my birthday, not quite sure where we are though. We were just driving around, we saw a deserted beach and thought; Hey! let's go here!

"I've known you so long, and you never told me you could light a fire from scratch!" Kurt crouched beside me and stared in awe.

I actually had no clue what I was doing, but I wanted to seem smart so I told Kurt I could start a bonfire. I was just rubbing rocks together like an idiot.

"Look over there! Krist is doing something stupid!" I pointed to Krist, who was coincidentally, doing something stupid! He was tormenting Dave with a sharp stick.

In the three seconds Kurt was turned around, I quickly pulled my lighter from my back pocket and set the tiny pile of sticks in front of me ablaze.

"Wa-lah" I stood back and hid the lighter in my coat. I had made a pretty decent sized fire, but not big enough.

"Oh that's cool! Except we need more sticks" Kurt steeped back and slid his hands in his back pockets.

Dave crept up from behind me and swung his arm right around my shoulder. "Neat fire YOU made" He winked and kissed my forehead.

I put my finger up to my lips, in a hush motion, "Shh, just let him believe"

"Woah... We are going to need a lot more sticks, this fire isn't big enough for me to run into naked" Krist smugly grinned as he walked up beside Kurt.

I chuckled at the memory, "Please don't remind me of that ever again, that was not a picture I needed to see"

"Aw come on! I missed out on that?" Dave sarcastically whined. "Wait actually, I am very glad I wasn't an eye witness to that"

Kurt started walking off and yelled back to us, "Enough reminiscing! Let's go find a shit ton more sticks"

"I'll stay here and feed the fire with the stuff I gathered. You guys go ahead" Krist bent down on his knees and grouped the sticks and leaves together.

"Let's go. You have to help me find a stick to stab Krist with" Dave grabbed both of my hands and guided me away to a boggy area not too far from the fire.

It was a tiny pond-ish area, with long grass surrounding. It looked more like a swamp if I'm being completely honest.

"I'm going to find the most disgusting stick here and shove it right up Krist's ass" He flung his shoes off and stepped into the pond.

"Okay then... While you do that, I'll do something useful" I grinned and knelt down to look for something worthy to light.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Dave slowly turning around and sloshing his way through the muddy pond towards me.

"I think you should help me!"

I was abruptly yanked into the pond, then I lost my balance, causing me to fall ass first in the water.

"David Eric Grohl! I will not hesitate to beat your ass!" I shakily stood up, due to my laughing fit, and put him in a headlock.

"Aye Aye watch it!" He giggled and picked me up.

I was spun around in constant circles, until Dave finally stopped and planted a kiss on my lips.

"Oi! Cut it out lovebirds!" Kurt snickered from a distance.


Sitting dangerously close to a bonfire isn't something that I'd usually partake in, but my hair needed drying, so it was necessary just this once.

"Alright! I have secured the goods!" Krist yelled.

I turned around to see him holding an entire carton of beer.

"Gonna feed your alcohol addiction huh?" I snickered.

"Very funny." He muttered, the offered a beer to Dave, who strangely declined, then one to Kurt, who not so strangely accepted.

"Free beer! No idea why you wouldn't want any!" Kurt beamed.

Dave subtly looked at him with a 'you know why' face, then Kurt's expression flipped.

That was weird, but I had to pay more attention to my hair, because I accidentally lit my ends on fire.

"Shit..." I panicked and ran to the water. There went all my drying progress.

"Woah... You good there?" Dave stumbled onto the sand next to me.

I grabbed my obviously burnt hair and showed it to him.

"I mean... We kind of all saw it coming. You were pretty close there" He laughed and held my face. I noticed how nervous he really was. He speech was a lot shakier then usual, and he was acting very shy.

"Hey are you alright?" I changed the topic, because I was still embarrassed about nearly lighting my entire head on fire.

He took a few deep breaths in, and stood up, taking me along with him.

"Okay. I have something really important to ask you, and It's a really good time now, because we are all alone" He blurted out and held my hands.

All alone? Is he going to stab me?

"Well go on then. I won't bite I promise" I joked

His shakiness hit an all time high as he pulled out a little box from his pocket and got down on one knee.

Wait... He's going to propose! Am I even ready for this? We've been dating two years! Is that too little or too long to not be married?

"Will you marry me?"

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