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My mother and I were at a small cafe, on what I would call the better half of Olympia. I hadn't been since we visited back in 1980.

"Oh I just love this place, it's so cozy and cute" My mother gushed.

I silently groaned and unbuckled my seat belt.

I could see in through the huge glass windows at the front, Ollie was sitting at a table, waiting for us like a lost puppy.

It was going to be a long day.

"Why isn't dad here? It's my birthday, did he forget?" I sobbed

"Fionnuala dear, you know your father is a busy man, he got held up at work" My mother sighed and held out her arms.

I was engulfed in a hug, "How about we go to the little cafe down the road from here? I know last time we visited Olympia you loved it"

I smiled and nodded slowly.

"Fionnuala, stop daydreaming, and stop mucking around with your fork honey" My mother tapped me.

I had managed to avoid conversation so far, but probably not for any longer. I looked up from the table and saw Ollie smiling at me, he looked too happy. It made me feel guilty.

"Thanks for inviting me Luanne, It's nice to get out of the house" Ollie smiled at my mother.

My mother nodded slowly and sipped her coffee.

This is so awkward..

"So Finney, are you doing anything later on ton-"

"I'm working" I cut him off. "I was offered a job selling merchandise"

He scrunched his face, confused.

I need to find a way to break up with Oliver without completely shattering his heart. I had.. an encounter in Seattle at a gig that if Oliver found out about, I'm sure he would die on the spot.

"Can I get you anything?" A set of fingers tapped on my shoulder.

I turned around in my stool, "Be my guest, I am a little short on money" I giggled

The man sat next to me and moved his curly, long hair out of his face. I got a better look at him.

"Hey.. you sang earlier didn't you?" I recognised him from the band that played earlier that night.

He smiled and held out his hand. "I'm James, what's your name?"

I shook his hand, "I'm Fionnuala, but everyone just calls me Finney"

"I haven't seen you here before" He said as he dug his hand into his pocket.

"Yea, me and my friend are visiting, we're from Olympia"

"Finney, are you okay? You've been really quiet today" Oliver whispered to me while my mother was talking to the waitress about something.

I nodded slowly, "I've just been thinking, I have someth-"

Wait, maybe this isn't the right time to discuss my cheating.

"Nevermind" I shook my head.

He looked me deep in the eyes, "No, come on you obviously want to tell me something, what is it?"

I looked down and tapped my fingers on the table, "I'll tell you later"

I may not like him romantically, but I still feel horrible for "cheating"

"Oliver dear, what are you going to eat?" My mother gave him a menu.

I turned away and looked out of the large window across the restaurant.

My vision wasn't the best, but in the distance, I saw a tall figure get out of his car. It didn't take a genius to realize who it was.

God dammit Krist stop stalking me!

"Uhh excuse me guys I need to use the restroom" I abruptly stood up and went in the direction of the restroom, then once they weren't looking, I went out of the front door.

"What are you doing here Krist?" I moaned.

"I'm here to 'save you' from your mom" he snickered.

"Get to the point ass hat" I growled.

"We need help setting up, we're opening for some other bands and we weren't told we need our own instruments" He scratched the back of his neck.

"What do you want me to do about it?" I sighed.

"Well It was originally my job to set up the merchandise stand, but since I have to find a way to get instruments, I was hoping you could" He said with a glimpse of hope.

It was either that or going back inside and having Oliver pestering me, I'd much rather take my chances with the merch stand.

"Okay.. let's go before my mother realizes that I'm not there" We hurried back to his beat up car and drove away, while almost hitting a child in the meantime.

Krist was a really shitty driver.

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