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"Umm.. Do you mind if I come in?" A familiar looking woman stood at my front door.

Tracy Marander. Kurt's ex.

"Yea sure.. I wasn't really expecting anyone today, don't mind the mess" I said while leading her into the messy living room.

I sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to me for her to sit down.

"Thanks" She smiled shyly.

I awkwardly smiled back, Tracy and I had never interacted one on one before. And we definitely haven't interacted at all since Kurt dumped her.

"So... What brings you to this shithole" I turned to face her.

"Well. I noticed that Kurt's car wasn't here, and I thought it was a good time to collect my stuff" She sighed sadly.

"Oh.. Of course! I'll help you, his room has been hard to navigate as of late, I know where your stuff is." I stood up and we walked to Kurt's pig sty.

"Oh shit" She was taken aback by all of the rubbish and clothes on the floor.

"He's absolutely disgusting" I muttered as I carefully stepped over anything that could possibly give me a disease.

I pulled out a small box from under Kurt's bed.

"Here, he put all your stuff in here. I guess he was planning to give it to you. Eventually." I stepped back over the hazardous pile of junk and made my way back to Tracy. "Here, let's go through it to make sure everything is here"

She nodded and sat down next to Kurt's door. I sat next to her.

Tracy opened the box and slowly started pulling out clothes and even some jewellery. She paused for a second and turned to me, as if she was about to bawl her eyes out.

"You know how he broke up with me? He dumped me over the phone" She sighed.

I looked at her with an almost horrified face. "Are you kidding me? That's almost as disgusting as his room"

She lightly smiled and looked down. "I guess he just isn't a confrontational person"

I shook my head in disbelief. "He didn't even have the balls to face you in person. Pathetic."

It hurt me to say that. It shouldn't have though.

"You know, when we first started dating, I always thought he had a thing for you, I'm not gonna lie, I was intimidated by you. He always talked about you. Either he was mad at you or thankful you were such a good friend" She tapped her fingers on her boot.

I was slightly surprised at her comment,

Did he really talk about me that much? Did he have a thing for me?

I looked down at my feet, "I used to have a thing for him, but I realized that it was never going to work and it was better for us to just stay friends" I sighed.

She put her arm around my shoulder. "I feel like you could do better than him, just saying. Your really pretty"

I smiled at her comment. "Thanks, so could you. I hope you can move on from Kurt and find someone who will treat you how you deserve." I leaned into her shoulder.

"Hey, I don't want you to think any less of Kurt because of me, Okay? I know how long you've been friends" She turned to me.

"Yea, I get that. I mean, I'm the one always making him out to be the villain. I should really stop. He's just different." I said and Tracey nodded.

"So... any other boys in your life? Any cute boys?" She smiled on the last part.

"Umm, well.. Apart from Kurt and Krist. Not many" I sighed.

"What about your boyfriend? Kurt told me you had one" She questioned.

My eyes widened.

"Umm, let's just say we aren't together anymore" I awkwardly smiled.

She gave me a puzzled look, then she shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh! Actually there is this guy, he's pretty cute, but I'm not sure I wanna start anything with him" I said as I twiddled my thumbs.

Tracey gave me a surprised smile. "Okay.. soooo are you gonna tell me or are we going to play charades?"

I smiled just thinking about him, "His name is Dave, he's nirvana's new drummer. He's skinny tall guy with long hair"

"Sounds dreamy" She said sarcastically. "I think you should go for it though, You never know."

"Hmm.. Maybe if I'd had enough to drink" Tracy laughed at my comment.

"Well, It's almost six, and as much as I'd love you to stay for dinner, Kurt should be home soon and I'm not sure how he'd react to you being here." I gave her a sad smile.

She slowly nodded and we both stood up. She picked up the box and we went to the front door.

"Hold up. I'll give you my number so we can stay in contact." I stopped and grabbed a piece of paper from the table next to the door and pulled out a pen from my pocket.

I quickly scribbled my number onto the tattered piece of paper and put it on top of the box she was holding.

"Thanks, we should go get lunch another time" She said as she walked outside.

"See ya!" I waved to her and shut the door.

How could Kurt dump her? She was so nice, way nicer than me.


Sorry for all of the dialogue this chapter! It's important I promise!


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