495 10 6

Set 2 weeks from the previous chapter

"Fucking hell! It's always the e string that gives me trouble!" Kurt shrieked as he was hit in the face by his second e string of the day.

"Tell me about it Kurt, remember when it snapped in school band and we had a performance not even 5 minutes after? God that teacher got so pissed at me" I chuckled.

He actually smiled for the first time in a while, "Oh yeah, that teacher was a total bitch. If you didn't show up to practice, she would scream at you"

I smiled and remembered the better times, when we were still in school, when my family wasn't completely separated, when it was just Kurt and I against the world. Not a single care in the world. Everything went to shit when Annie started hanging out with those girls.

I'm not exactly saying she was the reason for the family's downfall, but I'm also saying that she WAS the reason for the family's downfall.

But as of 2 weeks ago, I do have things to look forward to. Like seeing Dave. Kurt nor Krist haven't figured it out yet, but I do feel that Kurt should know.

"Pfft, she was only a total bitch because she was single" I tried to divert the topic to relationships.

"Hmm... That explains you!" He joked.

I smirked, this was my time, "How do you know I'm single?"

"Because you're Finney?" He said, which was very realistic.

I shrugged, "That's true, but I'm really not"

"What are you saying Finney? Is there a mystery man that I don't know about?" He questioned cheekily.

"Well... I wouldn't say that you don't know him..." I teased.

He looked at me, more confused than ever, "What? Have you hooked up with Krist again?"

I laughed and face palmed my forehead, "Please! That was one time in high school! I was drunk out of my mind! I ended up in Oregon the same night"

"Well... Anyway who is it? I promise I won't judge you... Much" He added the last part in quietly.

"It's Dave" I blurted out.

Kurts eyes widened as he leaned back in his chair, "You're fucking with me right?"

I looked at him, dead serious.

"Woah! You ARE serious! How about that?" He said, kind of happily surprised. "I was wondering why you were actually happy for once, I'm glad its someone I actually know. And not Oliver"

A knock at the door interrupted our surprisingly happy moment.

"Ughhh, I don't wanna get up" Kurt groaned and fell back with his guitar.

"Fine. I'll get it" I got up and walked to the front door.

As I opened the door, a haunting face, that I'd been hoping to avoid, remained on the door step.

My mom.

"Fionnuala. We have a lot to talk about" She said extremely sternly and stormed in with her fisted curled up.

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