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This story was requested by JulienneList. Thank you so much for your patience with me. I was very unreliable to you and you still showed me a lot of respect. You are the kind of person that we need more of. The kind who shows respect and kindness. Thank you.

Sunny was walking through the long winding halls of the Sky Kingdom's Palace. 

"Has anyone seen a NightWIng go through here?" She asked a crowd of chattering SkyWIngs. 

They looked back at the small SandWing, mumbling something that did not sound like, "Yeah, we say a NightWing. He headed down the hall and to the right," it sounded more like some really mean and unspeakable. Sunny, furrowed her brow, trying to fight back and kept on walking. 

He must be flying around or something. He is a NightWing after all. 

She looked out a window, high above her head, near the top of the tall hallways. One of the three moons was glowing brightly in a crescent shape, nearly filled about half way. Sunny looked back down at the hallway ground, and felt helpless. It is nearly impossible to spot a NightWing when it is dark out.

No. She will not let this go. She was determined to find Starflight. 

She ran down a hall, to the nearest ledge, and leapt into the darkness. Her golden wings spread, and caught the air, holding her up. She decided to fly up as high as she could, and look down to try to spot her NightWing friend. She was hoping she could spot his black scales against the grays and dark greens of the environment around her.

The crisp, cold air brushed across Sunny's scales, making her feel uncomfortable. She longed for the heat of the sands and the sun. She pressed on, trying her best to ignore the nagging discomfort. 

She skimmed across the mountains for hours, sleep trying to take her waking energy like an greedy dragon trying to take treasure. Sunny put as much effort in to keep her awake as she did in trying to fly. Every time she blinked, her eyelids felt just a little bit heavier. She thought her eyes were playing tricks on her, but she swore she saw a black shadow run INTO one of the mountains below her.

She dove down, slowly at first to make sure she wouldn't crash because of how tired she was, but then sped up as she gained more confidence in her ability. She landed with a thud on the floor, and a small cloud of dust was lifted off of the floor. She looked up at where she was and reeled back in shock and horror.

In front of her was a cave, a cave with a large boulder next to an open mouth cave. She walked in slowly, tearing up as she walked around. She knew this cave like the back of her talon. This was her home for the first six years of her life.

She looked into each of the caverns slightly cringing at all of her silly memories, but mostly feeling sad, and partially lonely. She finally arrived at one cavern where there was a falling apart scroll rack, and a glimmering spotlight shining down on... a hole in the ground?

The ground was pasted with a pitch black void looking like shadow. She sat there in silence for a bit, looking at it. She mentally face palmed herself as she watched the shadow swell and shrink. It was breathing. 

It must be Starflight. What other NightWing would be here?

She approached him slowly and quietly, and tapped him on the shoulder. She was expecting him to jump or yelp out in surprise, but instead, he looked up to see who poked him, slowly. His eyes looked red and slightly puffy. Sunny knew that this was a telltale sign of crying. It broke her heart looking at Starflight in this state. Without saying a word he laid back down.

"S-S-Starflight? What happened?" Sunny asked with deep concern. 

He said nothing. He looked up at the sky watching the two visible moons from the sky light hole. 

"Did you know that it has been exactly three years since I told you about... how I felt about you?" Starflight asked.

Sunny did not remember that. She has been too busy with everything, she didn't have time to think about it. 

Starflight sighed.

"Not that it matters anyway," He mumbled. He looked down and away from Sunny, who was now sitting down next to him. Her heat that radiated from her body bathed the left side of Starflight's body, which made him want to come in closer to her, but he fought the urge.

Sunny looked up through the sky hole, remembering all the times she came in here to see Starflight reading one of the scrolls, wild wonder in his eyes. Sunny always thought it was cute how he loved scrolls, hated violence, and craved knowledge.

She lay her head on Starflight's shoulder, noticing him tense up as she did. She lay there for a while, her head on his shoulders as they bobbed up and down as he breathed.


He looked over at her, his eyes glowing in the moonlight. "Yes, Sunny?" he asked in his caring voice.

"...I've been thinking, and I wanted to tell you something."

Starflight waited patiently, his mind racing through all the possibilities of what she was going to say as Sunny worked up the courage to say what she needed to.

"I-I wanted to tell you..." She gulped loudly, maybe a little too loudly, because Starflight noticed.

"Sunny. It's ok. You don't have to tell me anything. I just want you to be comfortable, and if you aren't, then I will fix that."

Sunny melted. He still cared, after all this time. Even after her rejection.

"I wanted to tell you... this."

She pressed her snout against his, he pulled back slightly at first, but when he realized what was happening, he didn't fight back. Sunny closed her eyes, enjoying the moment. Everything inside her exploded with joy. She felt warm, but not like a normal SandWing way, but more... special.

When they finally broke apart, they both blushed like tomatoes.

"Finally!" a familiar female voice yelled from the entrance.

Both their heads whipped around (even though Starflight couldn't see) to see Tsunami, Gory, and a confused Clay.

"Took you long enough," Glory said. Tsunami next to her was laughing her head off, but trying unsuccessfully to hide it.

"What do you mean?" Sunny asked. She felt like a worm was crawling under her scales and her cheeks burned. Clay looked just as confused as Sunny felt.

"We have been waiting for this. We always knew that Starflight liked you, we were just waiting for you to finish it all up," Glory said smirking.

"Wait, Starflight liked Sunny!?" Clay shouted louder than Sunny felt was necessary.

"You big doofus. YES!" Tsunami half yelled at Clay.


"Are you guys going to go , or..." Starflight trailed off.

"Oh, yes." Tsunami said hearing out Clay and a resistant Glory.

After they were out of earshot, Starflight looked back toward Sunny who took the sides of his face and pressed their snouts together.

"I love you Starflight."

"I love you too, Sunny"

Sadly, I am still backed up on requests so I will still not be taking any new ones, but make sure to stay posted for when I open them back up.

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